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TPD. Seems like we are buggered.


Aug 3, 2015
Received my latest change.org email earlier. Here's the punch line - However in the UK Parliament, he has not been able to block the pro EU Commission instincts of Labour’s Shadow Health Secretary, Heidi Alexander. Despite Labour’s leader Jeremy Corbyn having described the TPD as “perverse” and “contradictory”, Labour has announced that it will vote against Lord Callanan’s fatal motion against the TPD. Sadly there is simply now no chance of the Lords vote being won.

Also got a reply from my local MEP yesterday also kicking us in the balls.

Let me know and I'll post it. Sad day indeed.

All we need to do now is get our country back.

F**K the EU.
im not a voter, but i managed to register just before the deadline to get our country back
I got the e-mail too. Not a surprise really as nearly 100% of the Labour MEP`s voted in favour of the implementing of the TPD. I noticed the comment about big pharma lobbying in Brussels. Nigel Farage said it was intense on TV last night. By the way, I hope others noticed that Cameron twice avoided the question about our parliament & supreme court being overruled by the European court.
This just proves our political system is, like most firmly in the palm of the big money corporations, pharma, tobacco and anyone really who has the money to grease a few palms to get their way.
Most office buildings that surround the EU HQ in Brussels belong to lobbyists...
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