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UK Ecig Store - Right to Reply

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People get passionate about stuff, if they want to make a point, and leave, well, they gotta, and if they want to come back, cool.
I can see things from so many sides, I may actually be a fly.
On the other hand, I am impatient, and monstrous.
On the other hand, I'm philosophical.
On the other hand, I was bitten by a radioactive spider, I can't climb walls, but I don't bare grudges, and I have eight hands.

The ladies, they love it.
@ukecigstore sorry i didn't realise giving to charity means we can be unethical without question! I help fund and volunteer at a youth centre in my hometown, a lot of the guys that turn up smoke weed, i'll remember to bring a few oz's along to sell as they smoke it anyway and it'll make me a lot of money, the club might not even be open if it wasn't for my contributions so its all good, and i'll contribute my 2nd run earnings to charity how about that.

You are flipping. You have taken advantage of your position and the contacts you have to get hold of a rare and limited item and auction it with the reserve at RRP or higher. Flipping. You made it available to the whole world instead of the UK via your website like a decent vendor to ensure you get the most you can. Flipping. You could have put it on your site for £600, £800, whatever, you knew what you were doing when you decided to put it out there via ebay. Flipping. You aint even sold anything else on ebay before! No ebay shop before this item, you made it just for this item. Flipping.

As someone else said, i don't even care about your company, the mod or the money you will make from it, its just the cheek of it, the cheek of what you're doing and the cheek of trying to justify it.

Your post might persuade the fickle you did nothing wrong, but i'm taking the situation for what it is and i certainly will give you zero of my business ever again, nor will those around me. There's plenty of vendors that are charitable and hold meets, competitions and events, and they also don't take advantage of their position or market either, i will choose to stick with them

Sent from my iPhone using Planet of the Vapes
couldn't have put it better myself mate. Bang on the money!

and just a quick one to the people that don't get why al the fuss with the forums involvement and people leaving etc...

basically, as vapers, no matter how tough and strong we are in our every day lives, when it comes to vaping we are all a bit soft. Corn any of us it is our man passion/hobby. That may seem sad to some, but not to us. It is something we love and care about. Now the forums we are loyal to are our homes from homes, virtual habitats etc. many of us have made real strong friendships with people that of it weren't for vaping we would never have met.
the thing I believe had hurt people about this whole situation (I may be wrong) is that the mod team are like our mums and dads, guardian angels, whatever. Watching us and keeping is safe from harm, away from all the nasty shit and generally looking out for us and having our best interests at heart. Maybe we were wrong to think this I don't know. But on this occaision it feels like we have been betrayed and wronged. And to add to that people that have left due to the vendor in the wrong not being banned and dealt with and the way we thought was fair. And even now they are gone the vendor is still allowed to log on and is being treated well by the mod and admin team.

maybe the ones of us upset by this fiasco are too soft, over sensitive etc. either way it's a fucking kick in the bollocks.
I could capitalise too, but I shant, and that was a mistake on me colleague's part, which has been covered in Mawsley farewell thread, but can I just say, don't let the door hit you on the way out if and when you do, finally, fuck off, cheers, old bean.

It won't and for all your rhetoric I guess you will ultimately remain an admin ass kisser.

Out for good!
You pretty much sumed it up, we are like the kids, the mods/admins are like the parents.......... but parents do make mistakes each and everyone of us do, but as parents we always do what we feel is right for our kids and I don't think the mods/admins acted any other way here, I believe they did what they thourght was right. A lot of kids were calling for ukcig to give there side, and junglist provided this, thinking thats what the kids wanted.
Most parents don't admit there mistakes, but thats not the case here anyway dads home Merino-Teflon, tell em dad, tell em
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