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UK lockdown..to late

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Vaping doyle

Jul 24, 2020
Hello all... My reason for creating this covid-19 post it to explain why the UK should of proceeded lockdown sooner. The UK would have much lower deaths and infection rates aswell as the job market if the UK lockdowned straight away. Other nations we're not happy that the UK did not follow suit untill a bit later, since then we have suffered high death toll, high infection rates, countless job losses, company's going bust and closing down.

The ideal month for the UK lockdown should of been December, January as a precaution, I know its early to do that but that would be my decision if I was pm. fair enough there are local lockdown protocols in place but the experts have said its way to early for the UK to come out of lockdown. Im not happy that the government puts financial in front of human lifes the cost of a human life is more important than the economy, but I know people are worried about their income and their future.

I know this is long winded but these are my own opinions and views of what the UK government should of done. I do strongly believe if these steps was applied then the UK would of seen less devastation.

Kind regards
I don't disagree ............... but I do think it's easier said with hindsight?
Whether anybody, myself included, agrees with you is mute. Most of your statement is guess work and assumptions. There can be no proof that anything done differently would have been better. It could but not would.
It's been done a certain way and there's no going back. Moaning and complaining about it will not bring people back from the dead. We have to snap out of it and live with it. ( no pun intended).
The economy is very important to a country, you only have to go to some African states to see how many people die because of poverty and living in filth. I've seen it.

Sorry for the bit of a rant, it's not meant personally, but we all have to just get on and stop winging about what if. I've lost friends due to incompetent leadership and it's not nice and makes you angry but you have to crack on.

That is all. :57:
I agree. I might be wrong, shit memory, but as far I can remember, nobody had heard of the virus until at least January. Even if the government knew about it before Xmas, if they'd locked down at that stage people would have gone nuts, they already didn't take it seriously when we locked down too late.

We could have done it much sooner. In an ideal world we would have locked the borders down very early, no one in or out, could have stopped it arriving altogether and kept the country running as normal, with no travel outside of or into the UK. That would have brought its own problems, such as leaving UK Citizens stranded abroad with limited finances.

Also, when has a government ever had the health and interests of the general public at heart? They only care about themselves and their cronies.
I’m pretty sure it wasn’t announced as a potential global threat until around Jan/Feb time, so locking down in December would never have happened: Boris and Co. were still gloating about the election then. Overall I do agree that we should have locked down earlier though.
I do value everybodys views and opinions. But I am aware that people do have various answers for this pandemic. @mick brown your opinion is right and im not going to ignore it. Yes im fully aware my stament is guesswork and assumptions I wanted to share my own thoughts about what could of been done differently. I agree that the Africa does suffer with financial difficulty like so many other countries under a similar status.

Also you pointed out that we need live with it true very true, as with so many other pathogens eg. Sars,mers, influenza etc.

But any kind of pathogens cant be taken with a pinch of salt. Remember they have had thousands of years to evolve their lethality
Infection rate etc.
I’m pretty sure it wasn’t announced as a potential global threat until around Jan/Feb time, so locking down in December would never have happened: Boris and Co. were still gloating about the election then. Overall I do agree that we should have locked down earlier though.
I agree. The point of knowing when this happened should of given the UK an idea of what is going to happen.
The uk could have moved earlier but early March is the earliest you could have expected significant moves.
The European countries that moved fast did it after it exploded in northern Italy, early March.

Nobody was calling for earlier action.
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