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UK lockdown..to late

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Im done with this forum not having grown adults bullying a person with dyslexia.

Again one fourm after another.

Nice one
It helps to have a sense of humour on here. Nobody's poking fun, they ............. OK we're, always like that. Don't take it personally. :D
Was going to post this for you @Simon G


but looks like i need another for @Vaping doyle

I have no words, there was no intentional bullying going on. Simon was only pulling your leg and does it to all members.

No one was aware of your dislexia until you mentioned it.

You do not need to leave the forum, an ignore button is provided and it is a handy thing to use on people who piss you off.
Goes to show that you are bullies.

People like you who has no idea what its like to get bullied.

Who ever is the mod..on this forum please delete my account
.............. and to be fair, @Vaping doyle your opening post here does come across a bit like you've descended on us lesser mortals to teach us a thing or two? It's probably not what you intended .............. but that's what can happen with the written word. Calm down, join in, it'll be fine. :)
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