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Vape Gear

You can see from the posts in the what's in your mail thread that we do seem to be cutting down on buying gear. At one time there were like 5 or 6 pages a day. I wonder if it's because none of the gear coming out now is much the samey as things we already have. I have bought things then ask myself why when i have something similar or better, or is it because money is tighter and things are getting more expensive. Or just you don't like anything that's been released. I remember waking up, making a cuppa, jumping on POTV whilst going through the internet looking for new gadgets. Now i get up, sign in here while watching Breakfast TV... Has my life really come to this .
You can see from the posts in the what's in your mail thread that we do seem to be cutting down on buying gear. At one time there were like 5 or 6 pages a day. I wonder if it's because none of the gear coming out now is much the samey as things we already have. I have bought things then ask myself why when i have something similar or better, or is it because money is tighter and things are getting more expensive. Or just you don't like anything that's been released. I remember waking up, making a cuppa, jumping on POTV whilst going through the internet looking for new gadgets. Now i get up, sign in here while watching Breakfast TV... Has my life really come to this .

I've pretty much stopped looking for stuff over the last year or so as the constant Boro stuff has ground away any interest for me and the Dreaded D's seem to be the only thing China is churning out. The occasional bit of older gear in the classies is about the only thing I sit up and pay attention to nowadays.
I've pretty much stopped looking for stuff over the last year or so as the constant Boro stuff has ground away any interest for me and the Dreaded D's seem to be the only thing China is churning out. The occasional bit of older gear in the classies is about the only thing I sit up and pay attention to nowadays.

In some ways i much prefer some of the older gear, well vape gear is classed as old after a week or 2. Nothing older than 3 years but the rest i would buy if i liked.
The last couple of days i have been sorting through my Vape Gear and i never realised how much i had accumulated in the last 3 1/2 years since i began. There are things that i bought still sealed, shows how much i really needed it. Also Mods and Tanks that i forgot i had. I like to keep things original as i can so still have all the boxes, also i never use the coils and cotton that you usually get with things. The Space it takes up is huge and decided i need to dedicate a room to it. Still get that buzz when i get something new, you don't get that with smoking. Have you lot got way to much stuff ?.
I had a massive clear out of my old gear some of it was over 7 years old & filled a black bin liner full of empty boxes.
Boxes and boxes of the bloody stuff :18:

I chucked all the mod boxes a while ago because they were taking over but the amount of RTAs and RDA's I've picked up over the years is a bit nuts

Over lockdown, I went a bit nuts and was hunting down gear from 2016 to 2018, do still have a fair few of those in rotation

The only unopened ones are, the backups of the favorites

Then there's the boxes of cotton, wire and accessories

The last 18 months or so, haven't really picked much up because there's not much catching my attention. All eyes on the disposables right now :22:
I think everyone is cutting down on the buying side except @Mutley1 who can't seem to stop lol, In fairness it's mainly down to his AIO Addiction. I would really love either the Stubby or the Stubby 21 but can't justify the cost atm, would also like a Ponte or Meson but will make do with the Kylin M Boro i have coming.
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