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Vapeing and chronic asthma


Learned Ape
Jul 14, 2012
So, I've been vapeing for around 10 months, back when I smoked I suffered from severe asthma relying on a blue and brown inhaler 4-5 times daily, using 4 puffs on both inhalers each time, and using the blue inhaler an extra 5-6 times daily when I was having asthma attacks. Soon after the change from smoking to vapeing I noticed I wasn't as wheezy any more, my breathing wasn't as laboured as usual, and I could actually walk up a flight of steps without having to use my inhaler half way up(lucky one that, I live upstairs!). Needless to say, asthma was ruining my life, I was unable to play with my son, unable to walk around outside(even damp air would trigger attacks.. the joys of the UK!).

After 4 months I was only using my inhalers twice daily, 2 puffs each, with the odd use of the blue one through the day. HUGE difference there, but it gets better! I go to an asthma clinic monthly because it was so severe, and in my last session yesterday the nurse was amazed when I used the peak flow and maxed it out, not once, but 5 times, and wasn't collapsing in an attack!(Previously I was lucky to blow 80-100 without having an attack) She was very pleased to tell me that I was no longer classed as asthmatic, but would keep me on the asthma report to monitor it and make sure it's gone for good.

She then went on to tell me that quitting smoking would account for my peak flow doubling, -maybe- tripling, but even then I'd only be blowing 400 or so max on the peak flow, and inquired into what I was doing to change my breathing so much, the -only- thing to have changed was I stopped smoking and began VAPEING. It's common knowledge our juices contain PG(which is present in inhalers) and she believes that little burst of PG into my lungs so regularly(I use 80/20 PG/VG mixes) was helping my lungs recover from 20 years of smoking at a much faster rate then had I simply quit smoking. She is now a firm supporter of ecigs, and has begun recommending them to all her asthma patients who smoke!

I'm in an extremely good mood because of this, vapeing hasn't just got me off the cancer sticks, but it's given me a new lease on life, allowing me to actually play with my son, chasing him around the garden/park, and enjoy life that little bit more. Viva la ecig!
Excellent mate yet another health benefit, not to mention the fun you can have playing with the young one, stoked for you :)
Banning access to this would be nothing short as an assault on human rights

Excellent post mate
That's great news but big pharma won't like to hear this lol :D
Banning access to this would be nothing short as an assault on human rights

Excellent post mate

This is my biggest worry, if I knock out the ecig, will my asthma then come back(albeit at a lower degree from packing in the fags) and then put limits on my life once more? Perhaps in years to come that won't be a problem, but 10 months is nowhere near long enough for my lungs to have repaired themselves from a 20 year 30-40 a day habit!

I've heard from a few other POTV members that they have had similar experiences with their asthma and vapeing, so this can't just be a fluke, I think if we could get some firm scientific research done on this it could help our cause in a huge way, how such research could be done I don't know, but I'd gladly take part.

It ended up being a rather long ramble of a post, but it's such a huge thing for me I couldn't stop my writing! :D And yes, big pharma would probably hire a hit man if they knew who I was XD
Since I have quit smoking both my twins thing 1 and thing 2 no longer have asthma :)
That's fantastic news :D I have to say that I have always suffered from quite extreme bouts of tonsillitis which could last for up to four months at a time. As you can imagine it used to take a lot out of me both physically and emotionally. The doctors wouldn't take them out as they were so infected at the times they couldn't be taken and I between bouts they'd come up with a load of crap about how they don't like to take them out any more. Anyway since vaping I haven't had it. I occasionally get a day when they are slightly sore but it goes again but it's been a year and a half and I've not had any proper bouts of it. Proper research really needs to be done into the medical benifits as I'm sure it's not coincidence as I'm usually down for half of the year if you tot it all up!
That is wonderful news! I'm so happy for you :)

I think it must be a first for government to ban healthier option so people can fall back on to dangerous one.
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