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I have never thought about drug infused vapes tbh but i suppose that could be something that could be easily done, Strawberry Spliff has a nice ring to it lol.

That's been going on for at least a couple of years. Some of them are known as 'Zombie Vapes' which are spiked and laced with the drug 'Spice'. About a week ago 5 school kids from Eltham were hospitalised, one of which was put into an induced coma, because they got hold of some from some scummy drug dealer.
Never heard of it before and the state GP surgeries are in they have more important stuff to be concentrating on.
my doctor and the other doctors have asked me, I worked with some and others I've been on duty with in the past.... the conversation goes like this

"Stu shall we talk about vaping"

"would you like me to go all bat shit crazy and tell you to fuck off"

"no stu, I don't think that would be helpful"

"let's not talk about it then"

how we laughed
As vape hobbyists I think most of us have learned enough to know how easy it would be to for people to do themselves quite a bit of harm if they start vaping ultra high nic vapes like sweets and overdo things without realising.

i think the worst that would happen is they might feel a bit nauseous for 15 minutes.
i think the worst that would happen is they might feel a bit nauseous for 15 minutes.

I'm not talking about regular vape juice. People keep failing to realise the point that an empty vape pod or tank can be filled with anything. If someone wanted to make up some cheap liquid laced with rat poison or arsenic there's nothing to stop them. These cases that keep appearing in the news of school kids being given vapes laced with 'Spice' are the perfect example of the dangers of what vapes can be turned into.

Fortunately, these cases are still very few in number, but when they happen they make the national news, as in the case of the five kids from Eltham two weeks ago.

And then the media, being absolutely thick as usual, have another pop at vaping instead of talking about the illicit substance someone had put into it.
I'm not talking about regular vape juice.

here is what you typed and i replied to:

“As vape hobbyists I think most of us have learned enough to know how easy it would be to for people to do themselves quite a bit of harm if they start vaping ultra high nic vapes like sweets and overdo things without realising.”
here is what you typed and i replied to:

“As vape hobbyists I think most of us have learned enough to know how easy it would be to for people to do themselves quite a bit of harm if they start vaping ultra high nic vapes like sweets and overdo things without realising.”

I actually made two points in that same post but I understand which bit you had in mind.

On that point, I'm thinking more about the black market vapes that contain 50mg Nic which some people vape like sweets and don't realise how harmful they could become when they keep over vaping them.
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