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vapeing as a hobby


Jun 15, 2016
im sure all most 99.9% of people started vapeing to quit smokeing but how many of you has it become a hobby if not an obsession
im sure all most 99.9% of people started vapeing to quit smokeing but how many of you has it become a hobby if not an obsession
Yep, I vape mostly blowing rings and seeing what kind of crazy coils I can build. Crazy as in a 10w coil for an RDA. (its all about the wick, fast ramp up and low wraps on thin wire) lol. Some of my builds, such as a clapton I did today, you can't even see without a magnifying glass. My next "thing to do" is rebuild a non-rebuildable atty for my vplum. I think I will try an oval coil. :16:
Nope. I did have a brief flirtation with mucking about with coils... I do make my own juice. But I only have 1 tank/mod and I only make 1 flavour juice... The hobby side can get expensive I just didn't let it..
You're not wrong there Kam

You start off wanting to quit the fags & try this vaping malarky you've seen talked about on the news thinking the only thing available are ego pen types & Vype ecigs

Then you do a bit off Googling when you have a naff coil or your Hagsten tastes crap & stumble about this place.

You see all these weird & wonderful "boxes" & tubes with funky looking glass tanks on them & multi coloured big fat drip tips (even though you don't have a clue what a drip tip is at this point). You see people blowing these massive clouds & talk about awesome flavour when all you get is crappy little whisps. You see funky named, exotic sounding juices that aren't just called strawberry

& of course, you wanna try all that & you're hooked :D
yea id say it expensive the amount iv spend on eliquids untill i find my fav 3 or 4 and building coils n stuff is along way off im not that convedent yet :)
guess its like beening smeegle off lord of the rings lots of shinny things my precious
To be honest guys, I play with coils, and attys, and cloud builds and trick builds, and tanks and drippers and have 4 or 5 different attys.. BUT... I have never spent more in any 1 month than I used to on cigarettes.
My wife looks at it this way.. as long I what i spend on vaping is less or even a little over what i spent on cigarettes, she is fine with it and happy about it. Cigarettes in Canada are insanely taxed. A 25 pack of brand name tm's run about 17.50 can. That is like a week or more worth of juice, right there!
I know for me it was a cleaner way of get a Nic fix and cheaper, when one mod and one tank was enough. That soon changes though. I guess it does turn into a hobby of sorts, a very expensive one, if you let it.
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