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vapeing as a hobby

bloody hell and i thort smokein in the uk was expensive
And look at it this way.. if you stop the hobby aspect, you can resell your extra gear.. How much do burnt cigarette butts go for on your local swap shop site?
Hobby for me now as I'm always fuckin about with my vape stuff but its still cheaper than smoking for me
Yep Hobby status took over more than a year ago. when i had about 3 mods and tanks, now i spend what i would have on cigarettes plus any birthday xmas money on something or other vape related,
The problem i find nowadays is too much stuff coming out every week.
One thing though you can always swap a set up if you find you don't get on with it or sell it and get something back.
Find out your partner is not for you or you get fed up of them and it will cost you fortune and you won't even get something back.
Hobby for me inasmuch as I build my own coils and make my own liquid (with occasional treats from my favoured juice makers). I don't have a lot of kit as I sell to buy new stuff but I've tried every type of vaping except gennies; regulated, standard mech, hybrid mech, series hybrid, parallel, mtl and dtl - currently squonking (it's the future man)
I went through a long phase of SHINY=MUST BUY!, now I just stick to what I've got. I mostly DIY my juice but occasionally I'll treat myself to some premium juice but I soon go off it and come back to my own brews. You've just got to go through it. It's the rules of the game
I started vaping as a way to give up smoking but it has become a hobby for me now. I'm not complaining though, there's a lot worse things I could be spending my money on. :)
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