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vapeing as a hobby

It's beyond an obsession for me. I knew it would happen, and kept the lid on it by not joining POTV for over a year, despite it coming up on almost every vape related search I made.

I gave in eventually, and 2 years later I have Shinyitus big time and haven't had a holiday in 3 years, preferring to spend my dosh on vaping hardware.
It's beyond an obsession for me. I knew it would happen, and kept the lid on it by not joining POTV for over a year, despite it coming up on almost every vape related search I made.

I gave in eventually, and 2 years later I have Shinyitus big time and haven't had a holiday in 3 years, preferring to spend my dosh on vaping hardware.
Obsession is very light form of what I'm experience... lol this is style of life for some, main/second income, another club of interests for many apes here, including me.
Working for one of the top 3 tobacco companies means I get cigs really cheap each month, like £3.70 for 20. But as you can't put a price on health and the extra time I'll get to see my son grow up and be all he can be, I don't really care if it ends up costing more money to vape[emoji4]
I am on a search for the truth that's right folks, never mind the hobby cobblers its THE TRUTH I need,,,,

The TRUTH is the best tank matched to the best mod. yesterday I found it........

but tonight....

"hhhmmm that new tank by such and such looks tasty"

really the truth is,,,,,,, its a hobby and I love every minute of it :):2thumbsup:
My journey started as a way to quit fags almost 2 years ago And now it's a hobby every minute of spare time I get is either looking on here , online for ejuice recipe's and home brewing.
It's come to point now that my other half is complaining about spending too much time and not helping out with chores in the house!!
I've only got one mech and a Pico now. Run both with RDA's, although I have a lemo drop somewhere. As this kit works fine for me, I'd rather spend on good quality liquids that I could never replicate DIY. Manabush as an example. So not a hobby for me. Just an enjoyable way to relax.
Hobby or like some suggest an obsession!? For 4 months a cool fire 4 & a fury tank were fine and aided me quit smoking. soon moved on to an rx200 and thought this was the answer , thought about rebuildables, makes sense after all this would save me money, in the long run. Less than 4 weeks later, 3 drippers 2sets of batteries a charger and a massive increase in juice consumption, it feels like time to get another mod another dripper and maybe an rta or 3.
Its good fun I guess and way better than smoking but deceptively more expensive.
Then just when you think you're content and you may be able to hold off for a while, this comes along:

Thanks for that!

Another mod needs to be added to my collection, would look really good with my tf-rta on top... Now where to get one from...

Anyway as the op was about hobby or not. I am one of those people that likes gadgets but doesn't like spending thousands and I like tinkering with things. So what started as a way to quit is definitely a hobby but I have saved about £100 since I quit smoking three months ago.
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