It’d depend on the insurer. When I applied for mine, it was very clear on the form that vapers are smokers in their opinion, so I had to put myself down as such, despite not having had a fag since 2012.Aside from the "belonging" question:
I'm about to apply for life insurance... What do I answer? It's rather important as it has a huge impact on premium
It’d depend on the insurer. When I applied for mine, it was very clear on the form that vapers are smokers in their opinion, so I had to put myself down as such, despite not having had a fag since 2012.
Bit of a piss take isn't it?It’d depend on the insurer. When I applied for mine, it was very clear on the form that vapers are smokers in their opinion, so I had to put myself down as such, despite not having had a fag since 2012.
Inhaling vapour doesn't mean you're a non smoker.Now, personally I think that a smoker inhales smoke so, the fact that I inhale vapour means im a non smoker. I've asked a few doctors and keep getting mixed answers. What do you guys think?