Interesting. After reading all the replies so far..but no one has yet has said the one thing that i now regard myself as...and that is, I'm a vaper and an EX smoker!! A non smoker, imo, is somebody who has never smoked..but that's just my opinion!
It does annoy me, that the ignorants out there, still haven't yet seperated smoking from vaping...something that still needs to be learnt & clarified, by not just by global health experts & our governments, but by everyone.
Hopefully, one day...vaping will be seen in a positive light, that it ought to be, and not shunned by the nay sayers, and ignorants, and that the public at large will be better informed, so that vaping can be become socially accceptable...and finally.....those in power will tell those meddling tobacco lobbyists what to do with themselves!
It's time to put the squeeze on tobacco firms for good, consign smoking to the history books and make vaping seen as a better, healthier and socially acceptable alternative.
Oh look.....a flying pig!