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vapesmarters "every mans your brother till the rent is due" stabwood bespoke designed for you mod

A fanfare of trumpets, heavy drum and base erupt on the stage more smoke more lights

Dermott appears in a halo of light


“in this venue”

“one of these 3 are worthy”

the lights shine on the 3 remaining people the audience is only feet away from them they clap and applaud the mood settles the audience quieten

“the winner”


“this giveaway”

“March 2019”




the crowd erupts buses rev horns sound the audience go wild the zimmer frames. blow up sheep fly onto the stage @kockeyedkitty drops to her knees in tears

“how do you feel” Dermott places the mic by her, the audience hush its a magical moment

“I would like to thank 'sniff' my partner, my dad, my mom, and a bloke called Bernard I met in the cafe”

“thank-you thank-you”.....looking straight at the cameras Dermott smiles “That's it, people, Stu would like to thank you all and remember to love his mods and well like them and......” the audience join in “Buy one”


well well well a lovely prize for a lovely person congratulations

Love this! Thank you so much !
Bless you Kitty. Congrats on the win.
Well done Stu for making someone very happy

I'm ecstatic! I still can't believe it! I get to own one of his pieces of beautiful art that happen to be a awesome functional piece of equipment I can use !
I'm blown away...
Yaaaaaaaayy!! Ya won it @kockeyedkitty! :clapping: :10:

Congratulations lassie...and another super top giveaway from the mod meister himself @vapesmarter Sty....and Alfie of course! :worship:

Now then....i wonder what Stu is making for you....it'll fab whatever it'll be...but shall you be joining us wee few in epipe corner or not? Hmmm :hmm:...you can cut the tension with a rusty blunt knife! :18:

As Norfolk Farmer Andy from Scrapheap Challenge would say....

"Propa jawb!"

I'm ecstatic! I still can't believe it! I get to own one of his pieces of beautiful art that happen to be a awesome functional piece of equipment I can use !
I'm blown away...
Congrats deary, you deserve it. You're in for a treat from Stu I'm sure.
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