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Vaping is under threat

I heard that the company will need to decided whether they want to do register the product or not. So I think I have to order them here in the UK. Finding large 120-240ml juices now. Do you know any places in the UK that will sell big bottle juices?
I heard that the company will need to decided whether they want to do register the product or not. So I think I have to order them here in the UK. Finding large 120-240ml juices now. Do you know any places in the UK that will sell big bottle juices?
You will still be able to import pretty much whatever you like from the United States for personal use. However vendors in the UK will not be able to import from the United States without jumping through some hoops.

Of course this all assumes that the United States vendor will still be producing your juice, which it won't in two years time unless the FDA deeming regs are 'grandfathered'.

At the moment you will still find UK vendors selling large bottles of juice, but in 6-12 months time the only thing you will be able to purchase within the UK will be 10ml bottles.

May I draw your attention to this:


and this:

Too many people "show off" in public (e.g. pubs etc). We need to vape responsibly and realise that vaping inside is a privilege, not a right. Abuse a privilege and it will be taken away!

Big clouds are a big problem in enclosed places.

I have no argument with places that have a clean air policy for all, one possible solution is for venues like pubs, clubs, cafe's and restaurants indicate that vaping is welcomed or unwelcomed on the door/window then giving customers the opportunity to make an informed choice to enter or go elsewhere .
As a rule of thumb, one should always ask before vaping in public places such as bars and restaurants.
Too many people "show off" in public (e.g. pubs etc). We need to vape responsibly and realise that vaping inside is a privilege, not a right. Abuse a privilege and it will be taken away!

Big clouds are a big problem in enclosed places.

I completely agree, I remember when it was still fairly new the local bars I frequented didn't really mind vaping inside, but I was always check and make sure like hey you guys don't mind this right, and if not the door isn't that far to go vape outside. Too many people just think I'm going to see if their vape friendly, and if not I'll take my business elsewhere... I don't think that is being responsible and really is a arrogant way to act. Look where its getting us vapers.
I always ask first and most places are fine with it . If you don't ask you don't get ! We were flying out of Heathrow in May and sitting in the departure lounge I was desperate for a draw , getting more and more ratty as we had over an hour before boarding and an 11 hour flight ! "Sod this !" Me thinks , so I went and asked a guy in one of the many duty free shops if I could go and vape anywhere and to my complete surprise he said "as long as your sitting down " you can vape ! I nearly fell over ! I'd already been sitting around for about 2 hours desperate to get my nicotine hit and thought you couldn't ! BUT YOU CAN !
That was terminal 3 departure lounge @ Heathrow May 2016 . I asked 3 staff just to be sure and they ALL said the same .... Don't walk around doing it but it's fine to sit and vape!!!!
Must admit though , I felt really bloody self conscious as I was the ONLY vapist in the place and I got starred at and glared at by many passengers but a vaper has to do what a vaper has to do and do it I did !!!!!!! Ahhhhh nik o'teen, my friend !
So moral of the story is ALWAYS ASK ! You may be very surprised!
Maybe we should start a list of vaper friendly companies/ places ? Then we'd all be a bit surer of where we stand.
I don't agree with plumes of vape in people's faces but generally saying no to vaping , in my humble opinion, is a bit ignorant and ill informed . After all it's just steam !
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