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vaping possibly makes me pee a lot


Sep 21, 2018
Ever since I started vaping I have been peeing much more than usual and just after going to the bathroom I feel the need to go again, this is super bothersome and annoying. I read online that some other people also have been having this same problem. I also read something about vg/pg being humectants that can make you pee a lot when they enter the bloodstream. Does anybody know something regarding this issue and the properties of vg/pg ? I love vaping so much and it has enabled me to quit smoking cigarettes altogether, I used to smoke 30 cigs a day. I consume at least 10 ml e-juice a day with 6 mg nic on my wismec rx 200 with the SMOK tfv12 tank ( v12-t12 coil ). Any help on this matter is hugely appreciated :-)
Never heard of vaping causing this.
Go see your doctor as it maybe something treatable.
Hi and welcome btw
The only advice to give is if your concerned go see a medical professional..
I personally drink a lot more fluids now I’m vaping as opposed to when I smoked so also attend the bathroom a lot more..
I personally doubt vaping ingredients are making you visit the bathroom more but I’m no doctor could be just that your inadvertently taking on more fluids...
The weather has gone cooler in the uk this always makes me go more.
Never heard of this as a symptom of vaping. I'm assuming you're increasing your water consumption?

I'd go see a doctor personally
All replies above are what you need to do. Go see a quack and get your prostate fiddled with. Best advice above mate and that's if your a man ? If your not a fella still go to the doctor
hi and welcome to the planet.

have to agree with above as never heard this before even after almost 4 years of vaping.
yes i go to the khazzi more as vape dehydrates you especially as im drinking litres more a day compared to maybe only a couple of cups a day when smoking for 37 years.
i get through roughly 35ml of vape a day which is 70vg.

do you drink more since starting vaping.
what ratio of vg/pg are you using. some people cant vape pg so best wait to hear from some of them to find out if this was a side effect when they first started.
It can be a symptom of diabetes pissing more than usual, but vaping making you piss more? Ridiculous! Go to the Doctor.
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