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vaping possibly makes me pee a lot

Could be that vaping is known to make you dehydrated so you could be drinking more fluid and not realise it, it could be that simple? But personally I very much doubt it's vaping causing it, but drinking more or getting older seems much more likely to me. The doc says your fine so either just put up with it or quit vaping and go on the patches and gum. I can't think of any other way.
All joking aside, have you been tested for a UTI? I think you need a trip back to the docs m8.
I've never heard of anyone having a compulsive disorder to pee all the time ..... maybe it's hypochondria?

Lots of women have it. My wife is up several times in the night. Less common in men and usually when they are older but not always.

If the op is young and fit otherwise it could be a UTI or more serious which is why he needs to go to the bloddy doctors instead of posting here

I think the op is a journalist for the daily mail or a tobacconist. I can feel it in my water.

You're just taking the piss now
Ok if you are convinced that vaping is making you pee more, then the only solution for you is to quit vaping untill scientists can find a way to stop vaping causing weak bladder control.
I just cannot quit vaping, I love it too much.
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