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Vaporesso itank uhhhh why's it spicy

Shouldn't be getting that hot at that wattage, the 8ml should help a little, the hot weather isn't going to do you any favours either especially if chaining it.

May sound silly, but you could try a higher wattage as you might be, kinda boiling your juice instead of vaping it, could also be a duff coil
My first DTL vape. Trying to save money so switched to something with supposedly, longer lasting coils. But my god it gets hot! Like after 20 puffs. Using 0.2ohm around 25W, 70/30 with a nic shot. Doesn't make a difference if I have the air hole thingy all the way open or almost close. Sorry still sort of a newbie, but any advice?

Edit to say I'm using a vaporesso 80
I can't say I've had this problem. I love my iTanks and don't notice them to build up heat more than any other.

As you say it's your first DTL vape, do you think it's possible you're not allowing enough cooling time between hits?

Chain vaping a DTL tank is going to cause it to accumulate far more heat than an MTL one.

I didn't like DTLing initially for that very reason.
At 25w, it shouldn't be getting hot at all.

What ohms is it reading on the device?

I'm thinking the coil is reading higher than it should be, and is being given a higher voltage to the coil than required, because the device is giving what it thinks it is.

Unscrew the base from the rest of the tank, check the coil (or better yet, replace it if you have a spare), then screw the base back on.

Turn the device off before you screw the tank onto it, then turn it on. Let us know what ohm reading it says the coil is.

Remember to prime the coil before use, and leave it 10 minutes after fitting and filling the tank before vaping on it to ensure the cotton is saturated enough
Like the others, I've had no issues with mine. I also use the 0.2ohm coil and at 50-55W it's warm but not hot. Maybe a duff coil? Sorry I can't help any more than that!
Perhaps make sure the mod is in standard variable wattage mode and not pulse mode :hmm:
I had no issue with mine either but I give up using it as it made me chesty. Using the same juice I use all the time too. Very strange, could it be a faulty 510 pin? Is it being used with the tpd bung inside?
Running mine at 45w and no issue's, in my 2nd week with the same Coil. I haven't heard of any Vaporesso dodgy cols and their coils are normally very good.
Running mine at 45w and no issue's, in my 2nd week with the same Coil. I haven't heard of any Vaporesso dodgy cols and their coils are normally very good.
So good in fact, I'm still on a 0.2 coil for 5 weeks now, no sign of it dying yet!!
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