When you say drops, do you know what % of koolada that would be?strawberry at 20% is great, better still with 15 drops of koolada per 10ml.
cherry vimpto
all with a 7day steep.
@Kershybar Any chance of vru doing a dimpleberry type concentrate or a dragon claw?
I've bought some bubblegum anyone recommend % and steeping? I've mixed 20% yesterday and there's no much flavour.
I don't vape bubblegum but my mate does, anyone recommend any others if it's not great from VRU
The blue berry bubblegum vru have is a nice vape even better with a bit of marshmallow added. 1 week steep.I've bought some bubblegum anyone recommend % and steeping? I've mixed 20% yesterday and there's no much flavour.
I don't vape bubblegum but my mate does, anyone recommend any others if it's not great from VRU