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Vapours tongue?

Kind of normal like a rights of passage..I had the same when I started...as above just push through it..
Same as previous but also try another juice.
I say this for two reasons.
1. Your mouth can get used to one juice if you vape it for a while. I alternate between 5 or 6 flavours.
2. I did buy some crappy juice early on in my vaping journey that blistered my mouth. Once I changed juices it went away.
I didn't get a sore tongue but I got a sore mouth ( roof of mouth and inside of cheeks),, went away soon enough. Rotating flavours is the way to go to avoid a flavour loss.
Hi @Gazzyb and welcome to the planet.
so your using 3mg nicotine which is fine for sub ohm at any wattage.
if its a dispoable tank rated at 40-60watts then turning it upto 100watts will almost certanly burn the coil out and as youve said most prob burn your mouth and tongue. also a loss of flavour can be the first warning sign the coil is burning out. what every you do dont take deep inhales as you could get the very harsh burn/dry hit at any time and you will never forget that feeling.

as said rotating juice is a must. staying on the same flavour for too long can cause vapours tongue. in 5 years ive been lucky as i use so many different mods and tanks with a different flavours in each.
Don’t remember sore mouth but do find a flavour looses its oomph after a while, so change to another, when it happens with that one, usually find other one is fine again so generally rotate 3 or 4 flavours at any one time, during the day. Seems to work!
Hi I have been vaping just over a week due to quitting smoking cigs and loving it and all but just got a soreish tongue and the front roof of my mouth feels weird, I also can't taste juice. Is this vapours tongue I've heard about and will this keep happening or will my mouth toughthen up to it? Sorry but I'm really new and I don't want to go back to cigs. Any helps appreciated thanks

Hey mate welcome and nice one on packing the smokes in.

I've been vaping for 8 months now and I get vapers tongue all the time it's a nightmare. It hasn't gone away with time and I have 4 tanks on the go rotating flavours.

I would say try different flavours, and if vaping for you is going to be about enjoying the flavours on offer as opposed to just the nicotine intake you might want to look to buy a decent set up that will enable this
Yeah like the others I would just power through it. Make sure you keep hydrated and drink water often it's one of the main causes for vapers tongue and if you're chain vaping then take longer breaks between :)
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