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Vapours tongue?

No one’s mentioned this yet but if the resistance is 40-60w and you’re vaping at 25 watts then this could be why you’re getting spit back and burning your tongue/mouth. If the power is too low this can cause the vapour to pop and spit into your mouth.

Perhaps try vaping at 30 watts and slowly increase.
This could also be the reason you’re not getting much flavour along with burning the coil at 100 watts.
It could also be duff coils or a poorly performing tank.
It’s a steep learning curve when you start and I had some of these problems too when I started.

Give it a whirl and google causes of vaping spit back. Then, perhaps look for some decent tanks and coils and some good juices and your vape experience will improve.

Good luck
^^^ What he said ^^^

If your tank is rated at 40 - 60w then you're not going to he getting that much flavour at 25w. Don't go up to 100w :rolleyes: but at least get it up to 40w and see what that does for you flavour wise.

And welcome to the forum. :)
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Hi I have been vaping just over a week due to quitting smoking cigs and loving it and all but just got a soreish tongue and the front roof of my mouth feels weird, I also can't taste juice. Is this vapours tongue I've heard about and will this keep happening or will my mouth toughthen up to it? Sorry but I'm really new and I don't want to go back to cigs. Any helps appreciated thanks

Like most people have said vape between the watts your tank is suppose to and I got a few things that might help vapours tongue

menthol flavours

Switching between flavours helps

also try a website called justvape247 they sell a vapours tongue cure in 2 different flavours they have a coffee one which I got it’s pretty nice or you can get a menthol mint flavoured one it does help a bit and you only use it once a day just a spray on your tongue an wait 5 minutes or so just don’t expect miracles everyone is different it might not work for you but it’s worth a try
You can vape at the lower end (better for your coils if you hit it often), but too low and the juice isn't going to cook(vaporize) properly on the coil and it'll bubble/spit more. With the whole vapers tongue thing, keep your mouth clean (brush your teeth or your tongue at least) and use at least a couple of juices that have different flavour profiles, you can (for example) stick to fruits, but have a few different things to alternate between. Something with menthol will help, it doesn't have to be an all day vape, but it certainly works to cleanse the taste buds if you're wanna chug custards or whatever else. Sticking to one flavour will dull the tastebuds if you vape that and only that, have at least one thing you switch in and out.
I personally have 4 mods/tanks on the go with 4 different flavours, change regularly between the flavours, eliminates the VT for me, never come close these days. In the old days with 1 or 2 tanks and only 1 mod, I used to stick a high menthol flavour in and clear the taste buds that way
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