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Views on the legal age to start vaping

Aye I would tend to agree. It also adds a “bad” “rebel” factor. Doing things you’re not allowed to. You just need to look at places that have legalised or decriminalised drugs and seen a reduction in use.
.... also @zouzounaki you know my views on vaping being anything other than a tool to quit smoking, so used in that way I don't think age matters. If you have a nicotine addiction then there's no good reason not to switch to vaping, if the goal is to wean them off nicotine at an early stage especially.
Exactly @Simon G , @Mawsley said much the same above too. It seems putting an age label on it makes it seem like a recreational pursuit like smoking or drinking booze. The trouble is, the way round that would be for it to be considered a medical product. It’s symptomatic of the nature of our society’s fundamental problems that it has to be one (an age restricted recreational pursuit) or the other (a medical nicotine replacement product).

The world would be great if we could all just get along, be sensible about things and act responsibly eh?
Done. Nothing that differs greatly from the opinions already expressed I’m afraid.
One minor criticism from me though: The statement that said something along the lines of “vaping is necessary” should have a qualifier attached to clarify whether it’s a universal statement or personal to the individual.
As an example of why this is important, I gave a score of 2, because in the grand scheme of things, vaping isn’t, or shouldn’t be necessary. But on a personal level, I’d have scored it much higher as vaping is what stopped and continues to stop me from smoking.
"This is a questionnaire carried out on the views of different genders have towards e-cigarette smoking."

"e-cigarette use" would be an accurate and appropriate term. "e-cigarette smoking" is not only inaccurate but also reinforces the fallacy promoted by some parties that vaping is essentially the same as smoking.

I assume it was an oversight and apologise if this sounds a bit precious but choice and accuracy of language does matter in such things and can bias results.

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Hello, my name is David Lesser, I am a student in the UK and I am interested in finding out peoples views towards vaping, specifically at what age vaping could be considered acceptable via a short and fast survey. You can complete the survey no matter your location, ethnicity or gender. All data collected will not be able to trace you.
Thank you for your attention
David Lesser.
The link can be found bellow.


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