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Views on the legal age to start vaping

Done, but confused by the legal age for vaping. The survey states it's 16, but i googled it and it says 18, like purchasing of tobacco and smoking. The purchase of any vaping products containing nicotine is illegal to anyone under 18. Mind you, the mods themselves don't necessarily contain nicotine, so I presume they are legal?

Some good questions there...never thought about the legal issues regarding vaping before.

Wondering what the legal status is of non nicotine eliquids? Can under 18 year olds purchase those?
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I wonder what the OP is hoping to read into his responses with regard to this gender difference he talks about on the survey page...?
Done, but confused by the legal age for vaping. The survey states it's 16, but i googled it and it says 18, like purchasing of tobacco and smoking. The purchase of any vaping products containing nicotine is illegal to anyone under 18. Mind you, the mods themselves don't necessaralily contain nicotine, so pursume they are legal?

Some good questions there...never thought about the legal issues regarding vaping before.

Wondering what the legal staus is of non nicotine eliquids? Can under 18 year olds purchase those?

England (and Wales), never changed the smoking age from 16
MP's in Westminster only changed the age to BUY cigarettes/tobacco to 18
So in England & Wales the legal "smoking" age is still 16, but you have to be 18 to purchase
Scotland did change both the smoking age & purchase age to 18

So in "most" of the UK the smoking age is still 16, even though to purchase you have to be 18
England & Wales = 16 to smoke in a public place, Scotland & NI = 18
EU/Europe is a bit more confusing, 18 to buy & 50/50 it is 18 to smoke or no age restriction at all in some countries ???
(UK MP's in Westminster only raised the age to buy)


Vaping is 18 to buy & 18 to purchase vaping products (products with/without nicotine)
really ??? does this apply to cotton wool, kanthal, 18650 etc....

UK law is a bit daft at times.....

Age of consent 16, but 18 to watch porn/adult film ?
(let's not get onto voting age ffs)

I'm 99.999999999% the above info is correct
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England never changed the smoking age from 16
MP's in Westminster only changed the age to BUY cigarettes/tobacco to 18
So in England & Wales the legal "smoking" age is still 16, but you have to be 18 to purchase
Scotland did change both the smoking age & purchase age to 18

So in "most" of the UK the smoking age is still 16, even though to purchase you have to be 18
(only raised the age to buy)

Vaping is 18 to buy & 18 to purchase vaping products (products with/without nicotine)

UK law is a bit daft at times.....

Age of consent 16, but 18 to watch porn/adult film ?
(let's not get onto voting age ffs)

I'm 99.999999999% the above info is correct

So the survey states that incorrectly, as i thought.
I wonder what the OP is hoping to read into his responses with regard to this gender difference he talks about on the survey page...?

You could say the same about age as a variable.

I would imagine the whole point of the exercise is to learn about statistical analysis so having a question and a couple of variables, age and gender is more useful than only having one. The particular variables that are chosen are probably less important to their tutor than the fact they have chosen variables then applied statistical tests to them.
You could say the same about age as a variable.

I would imagine the whole point of the exercise is to learn about statistical analysis so having a question and a couple of variables, age and gender is more useful than only having one. The particular variables that are chosen are probably less important to their tutor than the fact they have chosen variables then applied statistical tests to them.

So an excercise in the OP learning how to do a survey and analyse it, rather than providing results that have some significance? Fair enough, I maybe misunderstood.
So an excercise in the OP learning how to do a survey and analyse it, rather than providing results that have some significance? Fair enough, I maybe misunderstood.

If it was serious research, you would want a randomised sample surely, and not a bunch of people on a vaping forum.
i could be wrong, in which case it is poorly designed, though better than other student surveys i have seen on here, I would give it a C+
Eh ???? way over my head

I just quoted the law and the overlooked/forgotten bit about smoking age in England/Wales is 16 blah blah blah

it's 18 in a nutshell for most stuff, then you are an adult
it is called the age of responsibility or wotnot
sure there are certain areas where age for xyz is 16 or 17 (driving)
but for most stuff it is 18
you can join army at 16 but only with parental consent, 18 without
18 to marry unless you elope to Gretna Green
18 to be called for jury service blah blah blah

The age of adult responsibility is generally 18 in "most" instances the world over (in general)
Lots of confusion / disinformation on the laws relating to smoking in the UK.
From what I believe to be right is this.
The legal age to buy cigarettes etc is 18.
The legal age to smoke in public is 16, and the police have the power to confiscate them from a person who appears to be under 16.
In private, for example in my house, there is no legal age for smoking.

As far as vaping goes, the same age (18) applies to buying equipment, and juice.
However as far as I know there is no legal age for vaping whatsoever.

With this minefield, of from my opinion ill defined confusing regulations, I am glad that my daughter turned 16 in the latter part of last year.
She does have a vaper, but I am in charge of juice, and it is only 0mg.
Just to add to my previous post, the USA is even more confusing.
There are different laws for driving, drinking, and smoking depending which state you are in.
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