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Vype Alternative for a newbie


Jan 2, 2014
Hello everyone.

I'm very new to vaping but have been really impressed with the Vype: uk.govype.com.

My father had a heart problem a few weeks before Xmas. He is fine now having received three stents. But visting him in hospital has given me a wake-up call to quit. I'm 33 and have quit before: only lasting about 2>3 years of being a non-smoker over the last decade. My uncle also has heart problems (angina and also a stent) so its in my genes!

So what have a done? I've used the patches before and inhalors but was keen to try ecigarettes.

I've blown about £30 on the disposable Vype 5 pack which I've been using since Christmas. The case is great and the product itself is incredibly realistic. I have no problem vaping in public without others noticing. Smoking for me is more 'habit' than addiction and I truly find the realism of the product a great asset to get me through those 'pangs' of needing a cigarette. Just the act of having a slightly squishy filter, realistic printing and a red LED 'burning' away in front of me hits all the habitual need.

However it is getting expensive!: I've just blown another £35 on the rechargeable Vype version today.

>>>>> So QUESTION: what other competitive product(s) would you reommend that are similar to the Vype? <<<<<

Thanks people. Much appreciated.
You'd probably be better with something like an Evod kit from myepack - if you really want to stick with the cigarette look a likes try a pcc kit from jacvapour

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Welcome to the Planet! :)

I had a vype not too long ago and I am afraid that because I have been vaping for so long (nearly 2 years), I hated it. It is great to introduce people into vaping, but this is a seriously a life changing product and "event" for someone that they need something that isn't so limited, the cigalikes and disposables just do not cut it for long term switching.

I strongly recommend and EGO Evod kit or a Kanger Protank Mini kit as the next step up because that will lead you to a product that is cost effective, cheaper than disposables, and takes you away from the stigma put on the shoulders of smokers as being evil nasty people :)
Firstly major congratulations on switching and welcome to the planet.
I agree with everything KMS has said and the evod starter kit is generally what all of us recommend as a first step. It really does open up the world of vaping far wider than a cigalike can ever do ( and it's a big world out there). The other advantage to evod starter kits is that they do not look like a traditional cig, ( one of the arguments used against the vaping community is that the general public can't tell the difference between the two!) Also, in terms of giving up smoking entirely,- ego/evods moves you that one step further away from smoking,as they do feel different in the hand/mouth, so helps to subtly change part of the connection too.
In the long run most people that have success switching to vaping , -end up moving away from cigalikes and onto something else, so it may be worthwhile considering it ? -(and saving yourself some money)
However, I, like you ,-when switching desperately wanted to replicate the look and feel of a real cig, and it is what it is, -anything that will get you off the stinkies is a success.
To the best of my knowledge vype are the only ones that wrap in paper and have a 'squishy' filter. But in terms of quality of vapour @ninjassasin1983 has already mentioned a well recognised brand, and more recently, I have heard good things about innokin AIO PCC Starter kit.
Good luck, welcome on board and let us know how you get on
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I think what attracts me most to ego type kits and higher is the shear amount of vaping available compared to cigalikes, which don't last long, have poor battery life and expensive to run. With the former, we can puff away all day everyday. That's the appeal for me.
Just wanted to thank you all for your quick replies.
Lots of info to absorb and research online.
It reminds me of when I started shaving with a DE razor! There seems to be a world (or planet?!) of choices out there. It's good to get some recommendations.
Have to agree with most of what's already been stated.

That said... Just before Christmas, despite having shed loads of all kinds of kit, I bought a cigalike kit off myepack :D

Was only 15 quid, had 2 batteries (different sizes and coloured LEDs) 6 cartos, a charger, and a mains adapter.

So if you're determined, that's a pretty cost effective set right there :D

But as KMS stated, the protank mini kit is quality and the evod kits a very close second as a good starting point, rather than an ok one :D
Just wanted to thank you all for your quick replies.
Lots of info to absorb and research online.
It reminds me of when I started shaving with a DE razor! There seems to be a world (or planet?!) of choices out there. It's good to get some recommendations.

We have loads of great members who will be more than happy to help you find the right kit :)

If you are the researchy type and like reading, the Wiki, pretty much as everything and anything you can think of to help you "learn our language" :P
You too? I also began DE shaving about a year ago - Never gone back.

(Noob Question: How do I delete this post?)
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Just wanted to thank you all for your quick replies.
Lots of info to absorb and research online.
It reminds me of when I started shaving with a DE razor! There seems to be a world (or planet?!) of choices out there. It's good to get some recommendations.

You too? I also began DE shaving a year ago - never went back to expensive cartridges.
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