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Want to smoke? Get a licence...

Yeah not good the Aussies really have it in for Smokers
that is a disgrace and something that should not be allowed to happen. it makes me sick to think any government would want to wave their fingers and have THAT much control over any persons life. What worries me more... is will it actually happen or will people fight back?
The slow and unstoppable demonisation of the smoker is taking affect. Maff and Easystreet were told to stand outside with the smokers at the beer festival. The staff were ok with it until some woman complained it was 'disgusting'

The night I went I mainly stealth vaped. I think rewiring a genesis and displaying juice and tools didn't help those two ;)
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I want one that looks like a proper asthma inhaler, no one would give any of us a second thought then *insert eyeroll here*
Don't worry, I've solved this. Prof. Chapman and his ilk are now required to carry a Bell End licence. Available from me. No test as he has obviously met the criteria. Permits him to be a bell end for fifty minutes a month. :welcoming:
Actually - on a serious note. If governments around the world want to stop smokers dying prematurely - BAN THE SALE OF TOBACCO. Let the general population share the increased tax burden. Don't demonise a section of society when you bastards are making a f*cking mint out of the very same group. Grow and pair and do it - don't worry about the cosy little relationships between regulating authorities, drug companies and tobacco companies - oh, yes and of course lobby groups and MPs - they'll all find other ways of shafting us without damaging their profits and personal interests.

Rant over. Deep Breath. Smile Sweetly. Next Patient Please!
Perhaps going the whole hog and forcing smokers to sew badges onto their clothing to help distinguish them from actual credible, normal people who are actually worthy of any consideration might help.

Maybe even forced incarceration in re-education camps for these obviously sub human wastes of skin?

Or why not just shoot em all?

....then again, those bullets could work out expensive. Zyklon B perhaps?
All it will do is send black market tobacco consumption, manufacture and prices through the roof!
mm sounds a bit like the swipe/medi cards they want to use in Holland (if they haven't already introduced it) to be able to buy from a coffee shop.
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