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What am I doing doing wrong here?

+1 for the Orchid clone, it's good value and a lot easier to build on. as a bonus I believe a lot of the KF parts are interchangeable (but am prepared to be corrected as not tried any myself). oh - and its a lot more forgiving on builds. Whilst I enjoyed the fogger it's been erm..recycled as I melted one too many insulators.
+1 for the Orchid clone, it's good value and a lot easier to build on. as a bonus I believe a lot of the KF parts are interchangeable (but am prepared to be corrected as not tried any myself). oh - and its a lot more forgiving on builds. Whilst I enjoyed the fogger it's been erm..recycled as I melted one too many insulators.

ding ding ding weee have a winner folks this person understands simplicity and has common sense.
googlechap, did you get it running ok? Now I've gone back to the start of the thread there is some gen advice here. I found the v4.0/4.1 did not like wick in the channels.
The method that worked for me is this, a bit of trial and error to get the right amount of cotton, and don't stuff the wick tight into the juice channels. It also helps if you don't fill it right up, leave a small amount of air in the tank. An indicator it's wicking ok is by small air bubbles rising in the juice after a toke.
Fogger is an awful choice for a first rebuildable to be honest with you. Get a single coil dripper, or a Kayfun. Dripper will be easier however.

Yep this, i have first hand experience here but on the plus side nearly everything after is a doddle :)
@googlechap, did you get it running ok? Now I've gone back to the start of the thread there is some gen advice here. I found the v4.0/4.1 did not like wick in the channels.
The method that worked for me is this, a bit of trial and error to get the right amount of cotton, and don't stuff the wick tight into the juice channels. It also helps if you don't fill it right up, leave a small amount of air in the tank. An indicator it's wicking ok is by small air bubbles rising in the juice after a toke.
Athamas - yes, I've managed to get it up and running like a steam engine now - I've switched to 30AWG instead of 28AWG kanthal, this gives me slightly higher resistance, I increased the coil diameter and I've stopped pushing the wicks down in the channels. Infact I now don't push the wicks into channels I just cut them to length and stuff the chimney with small beads of cotton. I've had this on 2 of my foggers and both seem to work ok!

Thanks for posting link to this vid.
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