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What build do you have in your Boro?

These are what I have on the way from FT...



If they're shite I've only lost around 3 quid.
FT has some threaded drip tips take a look maybe you'll find something interesting.

Have you tried those ss wick ropes in the atomporal ? I maybe want to buy it from Germany.
They sell them in several diamters in mtrs.

I don't know if those ropes keep going when chainvaping a smaller amount of cotton.

Both mesh and steel wicks wick so fast that I’ve taken two of them out and use half the amount of cotton coming out of the coil that I usually use.

the only problem is that it’s hard to vape these things in bed. Tilt the mod the wrong way and all the juice pours out. Might need to rewrap the mesh and make sure it’s really plugged in there.
Well ... I'll be that person then? :)
Having used a great many of the older Bridges in various BBs I have reached a conclusion which I suspect few will agree with, but hey!, We're all different. :)
My favourites still remain the Good Old staples that have done me so well over the years :).

The original Exocet still takes an awful lot of beating when it comes to a No Nonsense, straight forward, easy to build flavour machine.
The VapeShell and its younger brother the VapeSnail are to my mind, just about unbeatable :) Monster flavour and both are an absolute doddle to build consistently. :worship:

My all time favourite still remains the Mission KRMA though. The reason being is its minuscule size, Not ONLY did it enable you to get more liquid into a Boro, but it also hugely reduced condensation build up in the recess that holds the Boro.

Most, though not all.... of today's Bridges all seem to be rehashes of those that went before? :hmm:
The BIG development for me has been the advent of redesigned Boros themselves. Obviously being the self confessed fan of all things Atmizoo, I adore their Boro, but it is suited to smaller Bridges really as it struggles to accommodate the Mobb and can't take a Haku Xeta.

Oh well, just observations from a Boring Old Fart;)
I love the Vapeshell and Exocet and think they are great, i also like the Insider though being a Newer BB/AIO User i don't know when the Insider was released, seems hard to get hold of one anyway, i have put mine in a place that no one know, even me so looking for a new one.
It is one of the older Bridges, not quite as popular these days, as the Exocet really cleaned up when people became wise as to what it offered. Clones are still around though, even now.
Well ... I'll be that person then? :)
Having used a great many of the older Bridges in various BBs I have reached a conclusion which I suspect few will agree with, but hey!, We're all different. :)
My favourites still remain the Good Old staples that have done me so well over the years :).

The original Exocet still takes an awful lot of beating when it comes to a No Nonsense, straight forward, easy to build flavour machine.
The VapeShell and its younger brother the VapeSnail are to my mind, just about unbeatable :) Monster flavour and both are an absolute doddle to build consistently. :worship:

My all time favourite still remains the Mission KRMA though. The reason being is its minuscule size, Not ONLY did it enable you to get more liquid into a Boro, but it also hugely reduced condensation build up in the recess that holds the Boro.

Most, though not all.... of today's Bridges all seem to be rehashes of those that went before? :hmm:
The BIG development for me has been the advent of redesigned Boros themselves. Obviously being the self confessed fan of all things Atmizoo, I adore their Boro, but it is suited to smaller Bridges really as it struggles to accommodate the Mobb and can't take a Haku Xeta.

Oh well, just observations from a Boring Old Fart;)
have 3 boros on the go at the moment and two of them are the original Exocet in them, in fact I have 4 of them and always but always have at least 2 on the go, as you say just so easy to build and wick.
Being relatively new to these devices the Exocet wasn't one I was aware of. Looks like it may have influenced the design of the Mobb. Similar deck and side wicking etc.
Just seen the SXK Insider on Naturevape, i definitely need to get another. The Exocet is great and i think i have 2. I have just boxed a lot of my Mods and Tanks up so can't seem to find anything, I did find my remaining Abyss and a Bridge Pack. My New Abyss is due today so been rooting about for my EUC Coils, You should get and try the Exocet @JohnNada think they are cheap enough, i do prefer the Insider but maybe because that's the 1st i had ever tried.
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