There will be no vaccine by January , we have already had vaccine by " September, November, Christmas " January will join the gang too . The "cures" so far even in their projected finished working final ready to go stage they so far have a less than 50% efficiency with a decent possibility of having as much or more risk of adverse side effects as getting the virus itself has . The much publicised Astrazenica/Oxford trials have been far from trouble free and not particularly effective ...which has been less publicised , maybe you have noticed the silence around that vaccine recently , quite the change from a few months ago .
Those at the highest risk have zero normality right now , they are still in lockdown ,and will be in that situation for a very very long time if we continue to sit , wait and do nothing . As what we are doing right now is hiding our heads in the sand and making no progress . Let the virus run its course in as humane and controlled manner as possible , but with free choice at the heart of people's decisions . Call them stupid idiots as you will , this is a war against an enemy , meat for the grinder is required , feed in enough meat and we might win this one , either by herd immunity or better yet speeding up it's downward mutation . These viruses usually become more infections but less deadly as they go , so far that gamble looks like the best chance we have of speeding up a return to normality. More people treated with the virus will equal better treatments and those are showing promising results . Vaccines for these types of diseases are notoriously difficult , the fastest we ever created a vaccine was for mumps , that took four years !