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I really like mine, but after a few weeks of using it I'm finding I like the Ponte is a bit better due to it's larger capacity and more traditional style of wicking. Flavour is about the same on both.

There's a new Steam Crave boro coming soon too, with a traditional coil and mesh deck both included. Might be worth waiting for some reviews of that to appear before committing to a decision.

Thanks, was also thinking of the Ponte but for the life of me couldn't remember the name, this is what getting old and also being away from POTV does to you. Will have a look-see and see if i can get one cheaper than the Kylin. Thanks.
I like the Kylin M Boro. Will probably get the steamcrave one as well when it comes out. Tempted to get the whole kit tbh. Wouldn't mind a Ponte but can't seem to find it in stock in the UK.

Posted at the same time lol. No point looking for a Ponte then.
Aye, all I could see was the usual dropshippers and some American sites. Might have a proper look later on though.

Just had a quick look and couldn't find much at all, it's quite old in vaping terms so will probably be hard to find, might just wait for the Steam Crave one.
Aye, all I could see was the usual dropshippers and some American sites. Might have a proper look later on though.

Ecigwarehouse aren't too bad for being dropshippers. I got both my orders from them faster than I expected.

Wanting a u-mods unific hopefully this year

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