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Clicked on that and it reminded me of one I gave away that I wish I hadn’t now anyway it’s saying the seller is away until the 4th of March now I’ll have a look about and see if I can find another one. I’m in one of they buying moods now I’ve been trying to talk myself out of buying a meson all night but finally caved I better get off of here soon before i wake up tomorrow with buyers remorse. I blame it on a couple of whiskeys
I actually ordered it yesterday, so seems I missed the away for a month
Ive been looking for a replacement for ages, so would be happy to wait anyway
Have you tried the new Molicel 21700?
It reads like it’s the death nell for the 30T., for vaping. Though a Bob or two more, it has to be said.
No not tried them mate keep meaning too but always get drawn to 30Ts force of habit really.
a purple steam crave meson aio kit from sourcemore only wanted a spare boro but £60 ish quid for full kit or £44 notes just for boro from certain uk site source more was non brainer lol.
a purple steam crave meson aio kit from sourcemore only wanted a spare boro but £60 ish quid for full kit or £44 notes just for boro from certain uk site source more was non brainer lol.

Would be interesting to hear your thoughts on the Meson when you get it.
Would be interesting to hear your thoughts on the Meson when you get it.

ive already got one in blue mate, this is what put about it in another thread on jan 25th only thing that has changed is im loving a dual coil setup better than mesh :)

right after owning the meson aio & finally figuring out the correct way of wicking the mesh the following is my thoughts on the device.

firstly the mod is well built as you would expect from steamcrave no button rattle or door movement magnets are strong & keep it place very well.

you get 2 doors the mtl door matches the colour of the mod you choose, but the DTL door is made from plastic ? & not even painted ? to me this is just steamcrave been tight gits .

now on too the menu system if you are like me i only use wattage mode & if you put the device into you pocket it can easily go into voltage & i had to figure how to open the menu which to me is right PITA but i got there

and found out how to lock the mod its fire button & - minus button at the same time, so apart from those niggles am i happy with this mod , hell yes its comfy in the hand & has some weight i reckon its about the same as a billet box, the big things that sold it for me was its 21700 & the zinc alloy body c frame changing battery is a doddle .
Just ordered from @TECC with the Vape Plus discount.
Just a couple of concentrates from Drakes to try, a maple and a coffee tobacco.

I ordered some of the hybrids last night, so I'm curious to know, how did you get on with them? I've only ever tried and enjoyed the straight up NETs of the Drake's range so far.
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