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What did your Postie bring you today? - VAPE MAIL!

I'm sulking. ukMail completely failed, despite issuing a case number and assurances that the delivery would be made today........ NIX. :(
Cleito and coils. I'm liking this tank!!
And a 30ml unicorn of Custard. But the wife has taken that. :(

Am officially skint unttil next week, but managed to scrape some pennies together to take at least some advantage of the @manabush birthday offers! I would have had a MAJOR sulk if I'd missed it altogether - I gratefully raise a tank to you for your birthday Mr Manabush. :)


I've had them all day, but didn't want to post too early and rub @Rob 's nose in it - yours willl be there soon, I'm sure! ::P
I was having a major sulk as don't get paid until Friday, but my wonderful Mrs is wonderful :) Also got a PAPs v4 incoming - PAPs and SnapDragon and 100ml Chiricahua = happy two year vapaversary :)
I was having a major sulk as don't get paid until Friday, but my wonderful Mrs is wonderful :) Also got a PAPs v4 incoming - PAPs and SnapDragon and 100ml Chiricahua = happy two year vapaversary :)
Oh bless Mrs Wonderful - you have a good 'un there, congrats! :D

@Rob I don't blame you for sulking - I'd be spitting feathers if deprived of my precioussss 'amber nectar'. To be fair, I usually find UKMail pretty good, but that doesn't help you today - Godspeed for tomorrow! :51:
They have always been great, but when you have run out...... Sod's Law, or in this case Stobbs' Law
I'm sulking. ukMail completely failed, despite issuing a case number and assurances that the delivery would be made today........ NIX. :(
Ahh dude .. really sorry about that :(
Had some nice gear in the time I've been off looking after my other half. Anyway I'll post it up in bits Here's one day 2 packs of the finest cotton on the market imo of course
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