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What did your Postie bring you today? - VAPE MAIL!

More! Because I definitely do not have enough by now......


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told you it was nice i just love it gone though 60mls already in just over a week but ive just ordered 50ml short fill of the black orange crush dinner lady summer holiday as ive heard that that is very nice too...
Yeah I've already had my eye on that for a while lol :)
Took advantage of some recent juice deals I found a few days ago...beginning phase 2 of my juice 'campaign'...I'm advancing to shortfills now..and...so it seems, I'm buying shite loads of nic shots as well! :)

I see what @Jackymax was saying, those DL bottles aren't proper shortfills, so will have to use a suitable bottle to mix the nics in, but nice to get glass bottles for once....as these plastic ones aren't exactly environmentally friendly.....I better step up a gear and get on to mixing with concentrates soon.....in about 4 months time, as that's how long it'll take me vape through what I've got already! Bloody Shinyitis...when will this insanity ever end?....Arrrggghhh!

2018-Apr-11 Juices from Vapemate & Evolution.JPG
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OMG it's lush!!!! 2nd favourite so far, beaten a malt milkshake out but not my Vampire Vape Funky Monkey!

So it is my fave for DTL coz Funky Monkey is MTL :D
See, told ya. I don't give a 10/10 to many but this deserved it.
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