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What did your Postie bring you today? - VAPE MAIL!

A brand new Digiflavour Edge Kit off ebay, cost me £5.40 shipped. Yesterday 2 x geekvape Lucid kits n 3x510 and one 810 drip tip from Everzon.
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That you like it!
Bulwell though Arnold is too posh for me mere skint mortal.
Would I have payed the £100+ original retail price.
Not a chance. Would I have preferred the steel. Yep, do I like the mother of toilet seat on the bottom, No, but a 21700 that's smaller than most of my 18650 mods that I really don't care if I drop or lose and fits in my jeans pocket. It's nice to use though more of a thumb fire than finger. Didn't even put a dent in the battery with my mighty ten watts over the last 24 hrs.
They've been turning up for a tenner or so in China too and the board is sound. No complaints.
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Would I have played the £100+ original retail price.
Not a chance. Would I have preferred the steel. Yep, do I like the mother of toilet seat on the bottom, No, but a 21700 that's smaller than most of my 18650 mods that I really don't care if I drop or lose and fits in my jeans pocket. It's nice to use though more of a thumb fire than finger. Didn't even put a dent in the battery with my mighty ten watts over the last 24 hrs.
They've been turning up for a tenner or so in China too and the board is sound. No complaints.
Okay i can see where this is going.
Sorry it's not my cup of tea.
Today was the highly exciting delivery of a set of tweezers and a coiling jig!!

Okay i can see where this is going.
Sorry it's not my cup of tea.
I will put a pic up of me petit box when it arrives.
Everyone like a that one. Lol.
Yeah not exactly flush myself financially with my new venture grinding to a halt but I had a savings lot to replace my aging mods (both nice and everyday bangers) as the pico's are losing screen pixels, the colossal is getting a lose 510 and the epetite has been dropped so may times it's a miracle it's alive.
Had the cash and a wish list since before Christmas and still hadn't made any choices.
With the current situation I put half the savings back into the everyday account, you know, to eat and stuf..
Then picked a couple of nice mods (wicket & le petit) and a couple of bangers (venvii and new pico) and called it a job done.
Shouldn't be such a twat and give all the review mods away should I.
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