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What did your Postie bring you today? - VAPE MAIL!

Just a couple of bits and bobs
I know, it feels so good though, even when you get things like i just posted, it's not a great deal of things but i still get the buzz from opening them :)
I know, it feels so good though, even when you get things like i just posted, it's not a great deal of things but i still get the buzz from opening them :)
Your not alone mate. You would of thought after nearly 6yrs the bug would of ceased but no lol. Every time I buy a new piece of kit I say, that's it, no more.
Within a few days I'm back on line looking at deals and bargains. I have this unfortunate habit of.....if I think I'm going to like it I buy 2 just in case I really like it and wont be able to get it in the future.
i just this minute finished watching a video about the Coily Tool :) (...added to my list)

They are a great idea that's the main reason i got one, I can't remember where i first heard of them, Think it was Vaping with Vic or Mike Vapes. They are the main 2 reviewers i watch, oh an Zophie, she is as nutty as a fruit cake and does make me laugh.
This popped through the door, today.
My first none hybrid mech.
It's SS, sadly with a brass switch and copper on all contacts.
LOL. A bugger to set up, for a hybrid man anyway.
Decent hit, and feels nice
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