TC is brilliant for MTL because you can cap the temperature to compensate for the reduced airflow, whereas with non TC you achieve that by running higher ohm coils.Tried the Ni200 heads for the Aspire Triton (0.15ohm) and it was a very nice vape, however as a MTL user would TC work with that style of vaping? It seems most of the TC is for lung hits or I'm just being a bit thick on that LOL
Aromamizer RTDA if you like it airy ... and dead easy building on the 2-post deck.Rebuildable- Heron V1.5 or Goblin Mini, dependent on how airy you like your draw.
Clearo- Freemax Starre Pro. Nothing I've tried with pre made temp coils betters it
Aromamizer RTDA if you like it airy ... and dead easy building on the 2-post deck.
NiFe30 wire working superbly for me.