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What's a good quality mod

I have had a look at libertyflights web site and it's got there logo on it which I don't want I want the IVP V2 which other web site can I buy this from which is a good place to buy from hope someone can help me thanks everyone for your advice think the IVP V2 is the one for me.
If it's originals you're looking for then go second hand and stalk the classies.

Not only will you save a bunch over new price but you'll be able to sell on for what you paid.
The Sigelei 50W Box Mod - stealthy beast!

I was going to buy the ipv v2 mod box but I'm waiting for the The Sigelei 50W Box Mod - stealthy beast! It looks awesome in black going to get this little beauty keep on vaping there is a shop inManchester that will be getting them next week ;)
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