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Whats the biggest mistake you made whilst you have vaped?

When i first started vaping i did a Mesh Build in a Profile Unity, i did all the Dry Burning and soaking the Cotton etc but i forgot to fill the Tank. Anyway i was well pleased with myself, the 1st 2 or 3 Vapes the flavour was bangin. Took a big vape thinking i got this wicking thing sussed then the Dry Hit From Hell, my eyes were watering my throat was on fire, definitely something i will never forget.
A dry hit from mesh 🤢 🤢 🤢
I bought a stacked 21700 tube mech and a 25mm Goon to use with it. Because I'm not a stunt man I put a .60 ohm build in the Goon and kept it on the mod as a dedicated RDA for series voltage use. It worked well for me, pretty warm and it ramped up fast, but not volcanic and as it was a relatively tame build for series it was only 118 Watts max - probably closer to 105 ish after voltage drop, and pulling less than 14 Amps which wasn't even close to pushing my 30Ts too hard. I re-checked the resistance of the build and made sure the screws hadn't loosened before using it and every time I did a cotton change and coil clean, checked the battery wraps and condition of terminals before using the mod and after every battery charge - so as far as I could figure out nothing could go wrong. But I found a way.

I took it off my vape shelf after not using it for about 6 months, did my standard checks - all good, and started vaping. Shortly afterwards thought I should really check the switch and threads as I hadn't cleaned them them for 6 months. I stripped the mod, had a look and it seemed fine but gave them a quick clean anyway.
Re-assembled the mod and... couldn't find the RDA. Had a search and spotted it on my vape shelf. Put it on the mod - no need to check the build as I'd done it less than half an hour earlier - took a hit and burnt the crap out of my mouth.

I own 2 Goon RDAs lol and a 24mm looks pretty much like a 25 if you're not paying attention, unfortunately I'd picked up the 24 that had a 0.17 Ohm build and put that on the mod.... Miraculously the batteries didn't vent, but I burnt the crap out of my mouth and had to vape my Innokin T18 for a week because everything else was too hot. I now have a 25mm Panther RDA on the mod as I don't own 2 of them.
Thats a very easy mistake, similar to how I put the batteries in series instead of parallel where its what I had been doing.

You was lucky, the batteries are pretty versatile and won't vent immediately from something like that happening and you realised on your first pull what had happened. The real danger is people building super low like 0.08 Ohms on a single 18650 mod for example. If you take a hit every now and then it is really stressing the battery but not for long.
If you changed that to chain vaping the battery does not have time to recover from the huge voltage sag from each pull, and everytime you hit it with too much amp load it is getting hotter and hotter.
It reaches a point where it is far too hot to operate safely and will vent, or in the worst case scenario explode.

Series mechs are serious things though and must be treated with respect.
When i first started vaping i did a Mesh Build in a Profile Unity, i did all the Dry Burning and soaking the Cotton etc but i forgot to fill the Tank. Anyway i was well pleased with myself, the 1st 2 or 3 Vapes the flavour was bangin. Took a big vape thinking i got this wicking thing sussed then the Dry Hit From Hell, my eyes were watering my throat was on fire, definitely something i will never forget.
Oh no, that must have been a horrible dry hit!

Out of my 100 or so RTA's, tanks, RDTA's and RDA's not one of them is mesh, it is something I need to try. What gauge or size of mesh did you use, as this is all new to me but I want to try it.
If its the tube mech I can find it looks like a really nice mod! How did it get stuck on fire, did the switch get stuck pushed in? Also did it have a lock to prevent it firing in your pocket I can't tell from the photo at the one store I can find it?

I have had autofire situations like this with some mechs but just pull the battery like you did, I try to use mechs that I know will not do this or have a locking ring for the fire button so it won't accidentally go off. I also installed the harder spring in my Wotofo phantom, the one installed is much too easy to push but luckily it comes with a second stiffer spring.

I obviously couldn't pull the batteries when I accidentally put them in series and caused a dead short so was lucky my window was open.

That was lucky! I used to be one of the go too battery guys on here when there was battery questions, I knew every cell from each brand and what is was rated for amp wise. I remember the Samsung 30Q was a firm favourite of mine, quite high capacity and could handle 20A even though it was rated by samsung for 15A.
For the life of me I can't remember what a CID is though, what is that on the molicell?
The cid is the current interrupt device, basically just a disc under the positive post, when the battery starts to off gas it pops the disc up disconnecting the positive. Breaking the circuit.
Oh no, that must have been a horrible dry hit!

Out of my 100 or so RTA's, tanks, RDTA's and RDA's not one of them is mesh, it is something I need to try. What gauge or size of mesh did you use, as this is all new to me but I want to try it.
IIRC most mesh strips are around 16mmx10mm it varies a bit, you bend it around tool to shape it into half pipe, then clamp it in two clamps them feed a wad of cotton under it, I use nearly a whole muji pad rolled up per wick.
IIRC most mesh strips are around 16mmx10mm it varies a bit, you bend it around tool to shape it into half pipe, then clamp it in two clamps them feed a wad of cotton under it, I use nearly a whole muji pad rolled up per wick.
I use near enough a whole muji pad too.
Dual 18650 parallel brass mech mod, I inserted the batteries in series
Same as many of us have done burnt fingers on hot coils another is forgetting you took the drip tip off your RDA and take a puff again burnt lips 🥵
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