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whats the dripping rule???


Dec 23, 2013
i am wanting to start dripping soon. can i use a vv/vw mod or do i need a mechanical only? if i can use my vv at what volt do i need to use it as a constant? (i suppose that depends on what ohms my coil is)
many thanks.
You can use your vv device Bob,keep ohms above 1.3 and keep your voltage low and see how you get on

Sent from my HTC One S using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
thanks hodge i think im going rda shopping tomorrow and give it a try
Keep it simple with ur first build mate and you'll be fine ;-)
after looking for a few weeks i think im going to go with the igo w. the coil building should be fun but hey i guess thats what youtube is for lol.
i have finally got my long awaited tesla today and all my juice tastes yuck at the minute but i suppose that will take some getting used too.
thankyou for the help
Ur welcome mate,igo w a soild choice,post if you have any issues ;:)

Sent from my HTC One S using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
The rule is... don't drip and drive, kinda dangerous. It's best to stay on solid ground, like a toilet for instance.


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I drip all day. Only time I use an atty is when I'm out and about. Have tried a slew of drippers but my Igo W is what I go back to every time. Only think i have done is drilled the air hole a little.

Its all personal pref but for me a micro coil at 1.2 ohm with cotton is the best for depth of flavour. Its what we test all our juices on.
once you have dripped...you won't go back..if using cotton don't dry burn it, also less is more.
Daffs is right, cotton if used in large wads will hold juice at the furthest points, it doesn't straw wick like silica.
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