i am wanting to start dripping soon. can i use a vv/vw mod or do i need a mechanical only? if i can use my vv at what volt do i need to use it as a constant? (i suppose that depends on what ohms my coil is)
many thanks.
after looking for a few weeks i think im going to go with the igo w. the coil building should be fun but hey i guess thats what youtube is for lol.
i have finally got my long awaited tesla today and all my juice tastes yuck at the minute but i suppose that will take some getting used too.
thankyou for the help
I drip all day. Only time I use an atty is when I'm out and about. Have tried a slew of drippers but my Igo W is what I go back to every time. Only think i have done is drilled the air hole a little.
Its all personal pref but for me a micro coil at 1.2 ohm with cotton is the best for depth of flavour. Its what we test all our juices on.