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whats the dripping rule???

dripping is the bomb for sure. It's funny because when i was kinda introduced to eCigs in their early stages back in the days of skinny 510 batteries and crappy atomizers all we had was dripping into a small cotton like tube and getting a couple of small hits that didn't have good throat hit to it at all.

when i finally switched to eCigs all the way it was when i saw my first "tank"... it was a clearomizer and i was stoked because i didn't have to drip all the time anymore. i was like "this is great, no more dripping".

I collected a ton of clearos, carto tanks, & genesis atomizers as time went by... then the RDA (and dual RDA) started to hit the scene hard. Same with the mech mods and sub-ohm pino style of vaping. I picked a few of them up and for months i couldn't put them down. The flavor, vapor, and heat you get from them is just unmatchable! kinda killed everything else for me in a way. I then went nuts on the RDA's; IGO-L's, original phoenix, IGO-S, nimbus, IGO-W, trident, random clones, cyclone, patriot, etc.

I know vape kayfuns like crazy and also genesis hybrids and attys... but the drippers are in my daily rotation always! When all else fails, nothing is gonna sock it to yeah like a good dripper will.
thanks for all the help peeps. i was worried a little as i kept reading driiping can blow the mod???
thanks for all the help peeps. i was worried a little as i kept reading driiping can blow the mod???

On a regulated device you should be fine... I believe they won't even fire if there's a hard short.

Mech mods on the other hand will. When I got into dripping rebuildables and mech mods I started out slow. Single coil builds around 1.0ohms, and good IMR batteries (charging often). Then I slowly started lowering my resistance on my builds and then introducing dual coils as well. It's good to have an ohm-reader around to so you can check your resistance often.
thankyou i have an ohm reader built into my mod
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