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What's wrong? Vape seems tasteless?

So it would be a good choice for sorting out my taste issues?!

I see it's currently out if stock on the Kraken site so will have to pick something else up for now.
Thanks for the recommendation, think however I'm just gonna take a trip into Peterborough tomorrow and see what liquids I can find, need something pronto, this no taste thing is real getting on my nerves!
If this is of any help i have been discussing a similar taste loss issue in another thread. I've been through a process of elimination with different flavours & cleaning the tanks & dry burning coils etc.. I vaped some menthol & some other flavours, switched back to my original flavour & so on.
A few points to consider. If it's getting tasteless there are things we can do with our gear such as changing the coil for a lower resistance one. This has just worked for me quite well by switching from a 2.2ohm & a 2.5ohm down to a 1.8ohm . Probably other things we could do to.

What strikes me as something i never thought of before because it was too obvious is this. Your tongue has different areas & each of those areas detect different types of flavour such as spicy in one place, sweet in another, sharp, tangy, savory etc...
I'm not well read on the subject so i can't tell you the precise areas but it's enough to be aware of.... Stick with me here...

Using my own scenario as an example, i was vaping a nice coffee & a nice cappuccino (Jac Vapour & awesome) intermittently & they were very nice. After a few of days the taste was just not there, all i got was the misty dry neutral parp ! Looking at it now it seems so simple, i was stimulating one area of my tongue over & over with a samey kind of flavour & while it tasted good at first ,after those couple of days my taste buds just became numb to it. Too much of the same thing. I needed to let my buds recover by starving that area of flavour sense.

So i switched to some flavours that i didn't really fancy like red bull (Blah) & menthol (Yawn) & i vaped some cherry for almost two days (I like cherry) & then the coffee again just in the evening. After the 8 hour cherry sessions & a good feed my coffee took me back to heaven again.

I could go on but hopefully that explains my point. Any scientists please chip in !
Yea I agree, I have been vaping two very sweet juices for the past week. I've just added a load of tobacco liquid to a little of one of my tanks that had some sweet stuff in and it's now bearable.

Gonna go and buy a menthol vape tomorrow to mix things up a bit as well.

I think my trouble is that I only have an EVOD starter kid now so I'm just varying two (sweet) flavours 24/7 at the minute. My plan is to get myself a decent mod just for use at home. I'll then only use my nice sweet juices in this and buy some different flavours to use in my EVOD during the day at work.

Hopefully this will work because this no flavour malarkey sucks!
Keep a clearo or something on hand to switch up flavours. That's what I like to do :p nothing as bad as taking a right nice juice that you can't taste :( I usually have a clear of custard then a clear of ry or baccy juice
Yea I suppose I just never foresaw this problem occurring. Once I get my mod for home I'll be laughing because I'll be able to mix it up a bit more.

If my wife was more understanding I'd have bought loads more bits by now! I type this as she's outside smoking a roll up
Having a few extra tanks hanging around makes life easier, more options. Think the problem happens more with this kind of set up unlike those folks who drip. Like me you'll get to know things all in good time, can't force it. The picture becomes clearer as i go on.
Yup, tis true. I'm pleased I've stopped smoking, but using vaping as an alternative rather than a quitting tool, you need to be well geared up for it!
I gotta be honest, i find the need for a vape less urgent than i used find the gag for a fag. I mean, i reach for my juice a lot but i can also leave it at home while i go out & walk the dogs for an hour or two & it does more good than harm to do that. I enjoy it whereas when i smoked i hated most of it.
There's more addictive chem's in processed tobacco than just nicotine, they just get quietly left out of things & avoid the controversy.
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