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Oct 20, 2013
With ref to a previous thread on tanks I was referred to this section. I have never tried this rebuildable mullarkey and this is probably down to a lack of confidence. So...can anyone point me in the right direction with regard to attys/tanks etc. Where to start and what would be an ideal starting point. I am looking for a tank/atty system that will look pretty cool on SVD but also will vape well. I am going to look through some videos etc but am unsure of where to start. Just need something to cut m teeth on and get me started.

Daffs a nice starter rebuildable is the RSST

There are lots of you tube videos on the build and how it works :)
Thanks will check it out, just want to get started and take it from there.
I have decided to go down the dripping route, as I am mixing my own juices so feel that this makes sense at the moment. I am planning an IGO L or perhaps the baby Octopus.

I am a little confused and have some ( possibly ) silly questions but I don't want to damage anything if you get m drift.

I am using Innokin SVD so what would be a safe resistance with dvice using either 18350 or 18650 batteries?
I assume the lower the number gauge of wire = lower resistance and less coils = less resistance?
Would I need a resistance meter or can I simply use the in built meter on the svd?
What gauge wire and wick would be good start point until I get used to everything?

Any other suggestions/advice/info would be appreciated, apologies for the naivety but I want to ensure I have everything clear in my mind before I start....I am sure I will have more questions at some point.


- - - Updated - - -
Safe starting point for resistance is no lower than 1.2 ohms,that works out at approx 4 wraps of 0.2 kanthal round a 2 mm drill bit.
Right, The SVD wont fire below 1.3 Ohms, There's a wire gauge chart in the Wiki, but Higher=thicker=lower resistance, ).25 to 0.30 gives you lots of coils to play with. I use cotton wool for wick, it's dirt cheap so you can cock up & rewick at will. I've just recoiled and wicked my Kayfun 3.1 with a 2.5mm dia compact coil (purists will say anything over 1.5 isnt a micrcoil) and cotton wool. works great - same setup will work great in a dripper too...
Brilliant, have ordered IGO L and a variety of Kanthal thicknesses along with some silica wick to get me started, I think I have my head round it all. I just wanted to be sure. I was going to aim for say 5cm of .25 for around 5-6 wraps to give me 1.5 ohms does that sound about right?
8 turns of .30 around the 2.5mm mandrel I use gave me 1.6 5 turns of .25 should give 1.6 to 1.8...
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