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Which RDA or RTA do you want to love but can't

Sorry to hear that, but i find I get very good flavour from the venna...
I may have become spoiled by trying so many devices, or maybe it's just not for my kind of vape. I find that the O Atty X works best so far for devices with the "Haku" style airflow.
For me it is the Kayfun v5 and prime. Bought several clones just to realise it’s probably me that’s the problem.

I can’t stand the 5. I do like the Prime though. It’s a nice vape on the smallest air hole. But it has its faults - the airflow ring keeps popping up in my pocket which is annoying and the build quality generally is not up to SvoeMesto’s usual high standards. The top cap feels a bit thin and crunchy to me.

Also I get a bit annoyed that they made the top cap shorter on the prime than previous tanks. Means it can be a pain to get off.

I prefer the vape to my Dvarw though - even though the Dvarw is way simpler and easier to live with.

Oh and to answer the original question - the Rose3 - everyone seems to love them, I think they’re a colossal pain in the arse and the vape (for me) isn’t worth the hassle.
DAWRV - it looks great everyone loves it - I want it to be a regular usage device but for me its either a dry hit fest or a straw.

Ive tried every wicking method known to man.
Manta. I want to love it. The flavour from it is superb but I just can't get past the leaking. Don't know if it's my wicking or not but mine loves to piss juice all over my mods.
DAWRV - it looks great everyone loves it - I want it to be a regular usage device but for me its either a dry hit fest or a straw.

Ive tried every wicking method known to man.
Never had much issue and once the oval juice hole collar was fitted it was perfect.

Mine was the berserker rda. It should be perfect. Everything is well designed. It's my favourite diameter for mtl but I just can't get the vape I want from it. Close but not quite.
Nope, I like what I like and if I don't like it .... I don't like it and it goes.

I wish I liked bigger mods though. Because I don't, I feel quite limited by choice.
DROP.....and I’m not selling it before anyone asks!! Handy for 18350 series builds!
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