After a 2 mile hike, made it to my destination, surprised to see 3 tables and chairs outside on the pavement, not in anyone's way. Lovely sunshine and cooling breeze, 4 pints and a good vape, due to the relaxation in criteria and ease of pubs being able to apply and get Pavement licences, something positive from covid? Not keen on the 1 metre distance rule tbh, but at least I was outside. Downside, my back is knackered this morning, 4 miles total is ok to walk but the bloody hills, there is no escape.
Trim your own beard, you lazy git
Edit: Part of the changes would see every pub, bar and restaurant automatically given permission to serve alcohol for people to drink on the pavement and in the street, exploiting scientific findings that
coronavirus spreads less easily outside.
Fuck me mate, as much as I like a pint there is no way I could make it 2 miles with my knackered legs.
Saturday & Sunday I was all in by the time I walked to the closest of my haunts (my OH could walk it in less than 5 minutes) but that is because it is the furthest I have have walked in the last 3 months !!! all the stuff I have needed I have used the car.
Was it your choice to sit outside ? or was it one of the pubs that will serve people, but only outside ?
Trim my own beard................
I don't mind it looking scruffy, and as I look about 20 years older than I am I get a lot of help in shops / people holding doors open etc, but I would now love to get it trimmed, or do it myself, as it is becoming annoying, but I cant find the charging lead for the one I have already, and I am fucked if I am going to buy another trimmer just for a mislaid lead. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mind you there is a new barbers open in town, might ring up, and see if they will trim it, two local people have already said they will cut my hair, but not my beard.
Like the idea of this new one, apparently, so I'm told they have a bar in it as well.
Some years ago a coffee shop opened in quite a fair sized shop that had been empty for a while, the next year with (as far as I know) the consent of the council put a row of tables down two sides of the place (corner position) okay I thought it makes the town centre a bit more "cosmopolitan" and might bring in some shoppers to the town. As the winter came they put heaters up so the tables can be used all year, the next year they added a second row of tables down both sides, obviously with a gap between the two rows & chairs either side it now comes some 10 to 12 feet into the pedestrianised area of the market centre.
They have even got notices on the tables saying smoking, or non smoking on tables down either side. As far as I am concerned it is taking a fucking liberty, so they have effectively doubled the size of their retail area, in a prime position, on an area that the council spent a vast amount of money on block paving the area, and yet pay no extra business rates back into the council. The thing that really takes the piss though, as far as I am concerned is the no smoking signs, it's an open space where there is no law to prohibit smoking, or vaping, what right have they got to tell people they can't smoke in that area.
Last year I spent great delight if was down town in one of my "Badboybez moods, either walking between the two rows of tables (if no one was in a chair there) stumbling along with my walking stick, knocking over a few of the chairs for a laugh. Or standing next to a "non smoking" tables and enjoying a small cigar.
No one, not even the boss has come out to "have words" with me, and I doubt they will, not good PR for them to have a go at a poor disabled old man, especially if he trips over one of their chairs.

Since then three other coffee / milkshake places have put tables outside on the "normal" pavements, these are not wide at all, so what about disabled people like myself with a walking stick, or even worse people with mobility scooters, it's becoming a nightmare.
Sorry to rant a bit, but this is one of my pet hates, particularly businesses doubling their retail area without paying more local business rates / taxes.
Pubs with tables on the pavement, even though I like a pint, I have mixed feelings on this one.
Pubs on the other hand with tables on the pavement, I don't think will happen in this town, there are two that do, but that is still on their own property, not council pavement, and one of those is one of those "Bar & Cafe" places that can only fit about four small round tables on it to sell overpriced, warm wine & poncy lager..................
Pavements in our town are simply to narrow for that, and as I said earlier all the pubs already have a garden, or patio, so do not really need pavement area.
The other killer on it is that it would need a change to the local council bylaws, a few years ago to cut down on the number of people sitting on the benches in the market square (and local kids parks etc) particularly early morning / late at night, that bans the drinking of alcohol withing a certain distance of the square, and the recreational parks.