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Would you grass a neighbour up for breaking the lockdown rules?

Would it make a difference if you knew for a fact that your neighbour's had covid and were definitely spreading to their visitors?
Not sure to be honest, food for thought. It does seem that me and my family are in the minority here by not mixing outside of our household
Why shift the blame to Mr,Mrs Raging Thundercunt for not having a an ounce of common sense.
If the Government back at the start of Covid 19 had closed the borders, stopped all flights in and out of the UK
had a lockdown til there was no confirmed cases, the problem would be under control in the UK.
I'm loving the amount of 'cunts' being used in this thread, it's half the reason I joined in. The other half was to bitch about people being cunts. And in my case the cunts are Mr & Mr Raging Thundercunt
Personally I'd be unlikely to grass up a neighbour unless the level of thundercunt was really raging. Think it's a bit cuntish, if I'm honest. :D
too al the rule breakers

NO i would never grass on anyone for anything unless they where a nonce and even then i would get something sorted rather than grass.
Look at it this way, would you like someone telling tales about yourself?. Of course not. So why some folks think they are superior to anyone else is stupid. take a bullet in the head and your dead no matter what your worth, no matter how big or small etc.
You can only be responsible for your own actions, what others do is none of anyone elses business.
Why would you want to cause friction with your neighbours. you never know but you might have a neighbour who's a headcase, the neighbour might have kids and those kids would suffer if the parent got a fine. That neighbour could one day save your life or help you out, Imagine you had say a heart attach the neighbour would probably call an ambulance. Piss the neighbour off by grassing and they would probably just laugh and say serves you right.
@3dj they may be travellers, if they are travellers you will be making a massive mistake. I live 10 mins walk away from a travellers site, and i have known some of them since my teens. I always showed them respect and i helped a couple of them out in a brawl once, needless to say there was a counter reaction to that and the travellers went a kicked some serious ass. I never payed to go on the fair when it was in town after that and one thing they hate is a grass. I would just leave them be for your own good mate.
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NO i would never grass on anyone for anything unless they where a nonce and even then i would get something sorted rather than grass.
Look at it this way, would you like someone telling tales about yourself?. Of course not. So why some folks think they are superior to anyone else is stupid. take a bullet in the head and your dead no matter what your worth, no matter how big or small etc.
You can only be responsible for your own actions, what others do is none of anyone elses business.
Why would you want to cause friction with your neighbours. you never know but you might have a neighbour who's a headcase, the neighbour might have kids and those kids would suffer if the parent got a fine. That neighbour could one day save your life or help you out, Imagine you had say a heart attach the neighbour would probably call an ambulance. Piss the neighbour off by grassing and they would probably just laugh and say serves you right.
@3dj they may be travellers, if they are travellers you will be making a massive mistake. I live 10 mins walk away from a travellers site, and i have known some of them since my teens. I always showed them respect and i helped a couple of them out in a brawl once, needless to say there was a counter reaction to that and the travellers went a kicked some serious ass. I never payed to go on the fair when it was in town after that and one thing they hate is a grass. I would just leave them be for your own good mate.
That's why I'm not keen on 'grassing'. If I've got a problem with someone, I'll try to face it and talk about it. If that doesn't work, I'll shout .............. if that doesn't work and I'm REALLY pissed off I might report, but only after telling someone that's what I'm going to do.
That's why I'm not keen on 'grassing'. If I've got a problem with someone, I'll try to face it and talk about it. If that doesn't work, I'll shout .............. if that doesn't work and I'm REALLY pissed off I might report, but only after telling someone that's what I'm going to do.
I think you've just about nailed it with your comment. We all get fucked off, we all have to deal with cunts, and we all need to vent, (especially when it involves Raging Thundercunts) but do any of us really grass/snitch? I don't think so. For me it's just nice to know there's others on the same page
What folks need to realise is they themselves are not perfect, that goes for me too. So in sense we have no rights to tell others how to live etc. To quote my favourite band. "there's only one way of life and that's your own".
It's ok to moan amongst your mates etc but it is totally wrong to grass. Just because others don't live like you.
But a lot of folks let the media, government, etc shape there lives and they do not realise this.
Humans where born free thousands of years ago. The rules and laws, Holy books like the Bible and Koran are an examples of ways to control people. Yes we need certain rules but they are things most humans wouldn't even break, not everyone is a killer, a thief, a sex predator so rules need to be there for those things.
The covid rules are all nonsense, Why close pubs between 9-10pm till whatever time they are allowed to open next day?. To me the Gov are saying covid won't affect you while the bars are open but it will affect you if you carry on drinking after close down.
You can't catch covid if you are eating, drinking, smoking or vaping again its bollocks, you have less chance of catching it with a face covering so why are folks allowed to remove them in public spaces to do the forementioned things. Grassing on folks for breaking covid rules won't stop folks if anything i reckon they would rebel even more and as said they will probably seek revenge in a different way ie smashing all your windows, telling all the estate or street you are a grass. On my Girlfriends estate they burn the houses of grassers, nonces etc, to get rid of those folks. A few of the families are again origanally from traveller back grounds and as said will not put up with grassers.
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