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Would you grass a neighbour up for breaking the lockdown rules?

Just an update on my original post. The people in my cul-de-sac are still breaking the rules. Maybe cos we live in a nice residential area in a quiet drive, and the people who live here maybe think that the virus wont get them cos of where we live. At weekend, one house had 3 cars turn up. I think it was a party. I could hear them giggling in the garden at 3.30am. And these are quite nice well to do folk. It is like the family of 4 that are still bringing other peoples kids into the house so they can drop them off at a local school with their own kids. It happened this morning again. I'm fuckin ill with it. I do not break the rules, so why should others? I want to say something to them, but Mrs3dj says don't say a fuckin thing. She doesn't like hassle.
Just an update on my original post. The people in my cul-de-sac are still breaking the rules. Maybe cos we live in a nice residential area in a quiet drive, and the people who live here maybe think that the virus wont get them cos of where we live. At weekend, one house had 3 cars turn up. I think it was a party. I could hear them giggling in the garden at 3.30am. And these are quite nice well to do folk. It is like the family of 4 that are still bringing other peoples kids into the house so they can drop them off at a local school with their own kids. It happened this morning again. I'm fuckin ill with it. I do not break the rules, so why should others? I want to say something to them, but Mrs3dj says don't say a fuckin thing. She doesn't like hassle.

Feckin wankers no wonder its still spreading if it were me personally id be having words cos with cunts like that it aint going away anytime soon
Hope you are ok mate and it dont kick in bad
Feckin wankers no wonder its still spreading if it were me personally id be having words cos with cunts like that it aint going away anytime soon
Hope you are ok mate and it dont kick in bad
It's hard mate. Only this morning I went into a local Greggs to get a bacon butty. The shop is really tiny and they are only letting one person in at a time. sign on the door says "one person at a time and wear a mask please" So what does this young twat do, walks into the shop and stood right behind me with no mask on. I felt like putting his head though a window. They are fucking ignorant bastards that don't give a shit. And I hope that people like this catch the virus and fucking die. I'm trying really hard at the moment not to loose the plot and go off on one with people. But it ain't easy.
It's hard mate. Only this morning I went into a local Greggs to get a bacon butty. The shop is really tiny and they are only letting one person in at a time. sign on the door says "one person at a time and wear a mask please" So what does this young twat do, walks into the shop and stood right behind me with no mask on. I felt like putting his head though a window. They are fucking ignorant bastards that don't give a shit. And I hope that people like this catch the virus and fucking die. I'm trying really hard at the moment not to loose the plot and go off on one with people. But it ain't easy.

Mate ive told more than enough ppl if you aint got a mask on dont come fucking near me dont care if they are 6 or 60 we got loads of irish tinkers round here they think no fucker will say anything lol they been told aswell wankers
I've got neighbours who are cunts too. Came back from a week in Portugal and instead of self isolating had a fucking party. We're under full lock down here in Wales and there's people coming and going all the time over there. Grinds my fucking gears big time. People have covid in this area, 2 year groups at primary and one year group at secondary have had confirmed cases. Covid will be here as long as we are surrounded by selfish cunts. However I still haven't grassed them up. These are the same neighbors who held weekly street parties at the start of covid when everyone was meant to be staying home
Would it make a difference if you knew for a fact that your neighbour's had covid and were definitely spreading to their visitors?
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