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Xeta Vs krma

@gravystain :) I run mine without restriction and like what it does, but I know of several users who do have restrictors in place and all are reporting favourably :)
Well thanks for making my mind up for me mate. I've just ordered one. Lol. Looking forward to it.
@Mike 23 :)
You'll enjoy it I'm sure and make sure you get Scott to have a blast :)
@gravystain :) I run mine without restriction and like what it does, but I know of several users who do have restrictors in place and all are reporting favourably :)
Not tried it like that yet, but will do on my next re-wick...
What I do like tho is that you can add/remove the restrictors without having to remove the coil, don’t remember being able to do that with any of the other bb rba’s....
Thanks for the replys guys, I think I might hold off getting the KRMA, I've got the xeta and i might wait and see if there's anything else to hit the market. I've heard good things about the GKI heir if anyone has any thoughts on that?
Thanks for the replys guys, I think I might hold off getting the KRMA, I've got the xeta and i might wait and see if there's anything else to hit the market. I've heard good things about the GKI heir if anyone has any thoughts on that?

Atmizoo Vapesnail should be coming out soon. Looks promising
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