Taste was muted, wicking was poor, and cutting the stuff when rebuilding left little fibres floating about. It wasn’t fibre glass, but similar. It’s why many opted for mesh and stainless rod wicks. Thank god someone thought about trying cotton.
I started with one of those cheap things you find in most corner shops, cost around £5 and vaped like crap, didn't last long before i was smoking again.
Second go round, i started with an innokin t22 and an aspire nx30 with nautilus x tank, about a week later i had a smok alien and baby beast tank.
Only been vaping properly for about a month or so and i now have various mods and tanks and have been on bit of an RDA binge of late (bought 4 this week alone), don't know why, just like shiny new things (someone once told me vaping was cheaper )
View attachment 183535 Started with an ego battery with some kind of random CE4 clearomiser then bought this:
Innokin Coolfire 1
Epic only in its resemblance to a light sabre
Another aspire zelos user here. I love that little bugger because it got me off the ciggies
It's a cute litle thing isn't it...still use mine every day....perfect for the Nautilus mini, if a liitle top heavy, but very compact.