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Best bang for your buck 200+ watt mods. (Preferably not an actual bang)

Batteries that you can use no problem with regulated mods.
Samsung 25r
Sony VTC's theres a few different ones. Note the VTC6 is a lower amp rating but similar to the samsung 30Q and LGHg2, these 3 batteries are ok to use at Higher wattage in pairs but singularly you would be wise using a little less but as mentioned a regulated mod will do the sums for you so there is no need to worry. I am also guessing it was the Samsung 30Q you had read about going over 100 watts with, the 30Q has been tested and will do 18 amps rather than the 15 amp the manufacturers recommend.
The samsung 26f is the one i would advise against using similar colour wrap to the 30Q but only does 5amps. The chart below shows you the amps and mah, the brackets are what amps the tests revealed as a constant, pulse ratings will be higher and using batteries to vape you are pulsing the batteries, ie 5 second pull 30 second rest 5 second pull. constant ampage is like when you use a torch and leave the power running for a period of time

been ages since i seen this
old ?
Well I'm pretty sure I'll be getting the smoant battlestar (love how strong the 510 looks), i may buy the ipv8 also ( but the 510 doesn't look that strong to me?)

Is the rx 2/3 rx 200 510 bad? It looks very similar to the battlestar in pictures. Can't see how it would pull out being trapped under the outer case (the predator 510 I see how that one can pull out)

Mite even have a vape at 200 watts with my 25rs thanks to crustyfolker and andy3434's information they have provided me with. (When I get my new mods that is, I am using a subvod mega TC ATM :( )
I am definitely getting 2 battlestars, black one for me and white one for my significant other.

I made my decision on the basis of if you go on YouTube and search "smoant battlestar issues" there is literally one video (and the comments on that video say the uploader put the batteries in the wrong way) the rest are just reviews praising it, other than the adjustment button rattle (opening mod and applying insulating tape fixes that if it really bothers me)

If you search for "ipv8 issues" there is a ton from battery door issues, auto firing, 510 just spinning, check atomiser and even DOA units.

I'd like to thank you all for your help and input.

Oh and I see the issues with the rx2/3 are for wobbly tanks on the 510 and poor solder on the battery connections, not the 510 pulling out like I thought was the issue.
Is the rx 2/3 rx 200 510 bad? It looks very similar to the battlestar in pictures. Can't see how it would pull out being trapped under the outer case (the predator 510 I see how that one can pull out)


I had no problems with my RX 2/3, the only thing faulty is the battery compartment door can be a bit loose.
I had no problems with my RX 2/3, the only thing faulty is the battery compartment door can be a bit loose.
Good to know, but I'd rather err on the side of caution and go with the one with less reported problems.

I'm a little disappointed my battlestar will tick like a watch, or worse a timebomb lol but apparently it's fine and it's just checking the atomizer (why it needs to do it when the screen is off tho I have no idea) and I'm unsure how loud the ticking is. (Is this not changed in newer devices? Even if it was it would be hard to tell if I get an old or new one as the black and white models have been available from the beginning)
Lol to be fair my alien has been absolutely solid apart from my wonky 510 pin not moving up and down independently of the insulator (it's like they are stuck together). Lol at the sticker comment on the alien too (but my paint is solid on the alien, I'm sending the alien back though because of the pin issue since I watched a djslb labs video showing the pin should move on its own, im not sure what would happen if the pin touches the metal on the outside of the connector and I don't wanna find out either lol and in this pic I will attach you can see it is scarily close)

View attachment 134075

The insulator should be fixed to the 510 and independant of the pin.
Your insulator has come loose and if you don't take it apart and fix it the black wire as shown in the pic attached to the 510 could detach as happened to my blue one.
Can't fault the Smoant Battlestar in any way, shape or form apart from the battery life.

The voltage cut off is a little higher than most mods so batteries need to be switched out more regularly. I was finding they still had about 20% charge left in them. If you have a couple of sets though and don't mind carrying spares then it's no bad thing, and probably preserves your batteries in the long run.

Other than that and the fact it's not firmware upgradable I can't recommend it enough, especially for the price.

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