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Your dripper should really work fine on any mod that can handle whatever power you need for it.Can you not just use one of the smoks or any of the other mods that uou’ve bought? The dripper should just screw onto any of them and work.
Your dripper should really work fine on any mod that can handle whatever power you need for it.Can you not just use one of the smoks or any of the other mods that uou’ve bought? The dripper should just screw onto any of them and work.

the dripper is what i bought today to try and get away from tanks mate . the problem i have is all the mods ive bought are nackerd ( i will never buy smok anything ever again ) so really im looking for recomendations for a half decent mod that will still work after a fortnight . i must of spent close to £400 so far and have nothing really usable to show for it . im fast getting frustrated with it all , thinking im buying well and ending up with tat
You’v no had much luck eh? I would have been taking them back especially the wismec. 3 days is no acceptable.
The voopoo drag is one of those things that I could never bring myself to pay money for purely on the grounds of it’a ridiculous name. And it says “DRAG” on the side in massive letters.
I’ve had an eleaf istick pico for a year and a half that still works, and they’re cheap. Was my first mod that got me off the fags. At the very least it’s cheap and if you got one it would last a while. Only fits 22mm though, not sure what size your dripper is.
I know I am new to all this but I started with the Aspire Pockex, ok but not as tight a draw as a cig, so bought Innoken T18E , it is much tighter MTL draw, love that one, but also now bought Innoken T22 as it has larger battery power and last a good couple days,so far, so easy to fill ( even with a tremor like i have ) and nice satisfying draw like cig. I'm now down to 3mg after 45 years smoking i am truly amazed I am not climbing the walls like everything else i have tried over the years. I hope you find the right one for you x
You’v no had much luck eh? I would have been taking them back especially the wismec. 3 days is no acceptable.

if it wernt for bad luck mate i would of had no luck at all . the wesmec did go back and he swaped it for a vaperesso revenger mini which i liked but it was allways on charge . so passed it on to the daughter in law

the tesla looks ok . im not sure i could hop from foot to foot infront of the letterbox for ten days mind

ill look into the voopoo one mate thank you
I’ve had an eleaf istick pico for a year and a half that still works, and they’re cheap. Was my first mod that got me off the fags. At the very least it’s cheap and if you got one it would last a while. Only fits 22mm though, not sure what size your dripper is.

the eleaf looks good mate . the dripper is a wasp or some such , i dont know the size

i liked the look of the squid industries double barrel but herd some had trouble with the turny fire button

i also like the look of the jac vapours dna75 , but only single bat . not sure if 75w will be quite high enough till i figure out these ere rebuildable coil doodads
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