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Blotto Max Tester Event, “The Results”

you lot have already swapped them out ;) anyway m3x2.5mm are on the way :)

3mm grubs can cause shorts :)

I ordered the grubs from Squidgy's link on Saturday and they arrived yesterday. Swapped them out this morning. Perfect.
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I don't think half a mm is either here nor there in length tbh.
I don't think half a mm is either here nor there in length tbh.

I said exactly the same thing, I was wrong :)

Unfortunately it does make a difference. A 3mm grub in the Max with a complex coil causes the grub to touch the chimney, leading to shorts.

To be fair, I had been running the Max using 3mm grubs for several days, so it will work with 3mm. I was using Flapton wraps. Putting a more complex and thicker coil in makes the top of the screw raise up too much. I swapped to 2.5mm grubs today.
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