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1st kayfun silica wick


May 22, 2014
The time came to re wick my kayfun so thought I'd give silica a go. So, 2mm silica doubled over 5/6 wind of 0.28mm kanthal came out at 1.2 ohms....... primec the wick with mt butterscotch and vaped it through the chimney to test, seemed ok so went ahead and fitted/filled the tank.
Is it any different to the cotton builds I have been using, nope! Still cant runabove 6.5watts without it loosing vapor and flavour. I know it us a build issue, I just cant seem to get this bloomin kayfun right at all.... its not right but still much better than any of my kangers.

Sent from my SM-T310 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
It's very difficult to do a bad build on a KF, whether with cotton or silica. Packing the wicking too tight down onto the deck is,probably, one of the main causes for disappointment.
With silica builds, like the one that you describe, poking the wicking ,gently down to the deck, almost too gentle so that you may feel it's not pushed down enough, is about right for a KF.
Without wishing to get too technical, the juice flow on a KF works something like this - the juice flows through the channels, and forms a very shallow reservoir of juice around the deck, the wicking soaks up it's juice from this reservoir. With this in mind, precision placement of the wick, by using juice to 'superglue' the wicking in place against the block etc etc, as demonstrated in 1001 youtube vids, and advocated by uncountable KF users, is unnecessary and a waste of time.
It's very difficult to do a bad build on a KF, whether with cotton or silica. Packing the wicking too tight down onto the deck is,probably, one of the main causes for disappointment.
With silica builds, like the one that you describe, poking the wicking ,gently down to the deck, almost too gentle so that you may feel it's not pushed down enough, is about right for a KF.
Without wishing to get too technical, the juice flow on a KF works something like this - the juice flows through the channels, and forms a very shallow reservoir of juice around the deck, the wicking soaks up it's juice from this reservoir. With this in mind, precision placement of the wick, by using juice to 'superglue' the wicking in place against the block etc etc, as demonstrated in 1001 youtube vids, and advocated by uncountable KF users, is unnecessary and a waste of time.

Sorry M8,just to clarify, what are you saying is a waste of time?
Sorry M8,just to clarify, what are you saying is a waste of time?

That ridiculous habit of painstakingly and meticulously sticking the ends of a cotton wick in place against the deck and shoulder using a bit of juice for 'glue' :D
That ridiculous habit of painstakingly and meticulously sticking the ends of a cotton wick in place against the deck and shoulder using a bit of juice for 'glue' :D

Well in that case with all due respect, I will call bollocks to that statement :D It takes me all of three fucking seconds to tap them gently in place with a needle.Ok there may well be those that ponce about with it,but that aint me,and it works every time.
Thanks for the info. Aye I am aware that it is a build problem, I think I am on my 4th build on this kfl and none are as goos as my 1st build...... I am convinced it is a wicking issue, I just habe to get it right. Once fhe tank is about empty again I wkll have another go with cotton.


Sent from my SM-T310 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
Thanks guys, will check them out later, once I get piece and quite when the wife and bairn are not around.

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